For Voltron

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"That idiot," Pidge muttered as she crept to where Hunk and Shiro were hiding. "Why are the brave ones always inclined to do stupid-- Hunk... are you okay?"

"I... I almost killed Keith." Hunk sat hunched over on the ground. His bayard laid forgotten on the floor beside him as he stared into his hands.

Pidge placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault." She consoled. "You didn't know."

Hunk's gaze darted to Pidge. "I should have." He mumbled.

"There was no way for us to have known." Shiro pointed out. "It's not like Keith told us."

"Yeah," Pidge agreed. "Keith's hardly an open book."

"If anything, it's my fault," Shiro said with a hint of remorse. "I was the one who gave you orders--"

"--FOR VOLTRON!" A familiar voice screeched.

Pidge's eyes widened in shock when she turned to watch the action below. Lance somehow found his way past the locked doors of the gladiators' holding cells and was now leading his own miniature revolution.

"We're gonna need a bigger ship." Pidge commented when she noticed the sheer number of freed prisoners scrambling into the audience.

"For Voltron!" Another voice added. Although it wasn't quite as loud as Lance's, the voice was distinct and clear as day.... if not a bit deeper than what she remembered.

"MATT!" Pidge shouted, seizing the rung of the railing and leaning in for a better look. "IT'S REALLY HIM! IT'S MY BROTHER!" It wasn't until a drop of water fell onto the back of her hand when Pidge realized that she was crying. But these tears were not from the fear of never seeing her family again. No, this was different because, despite the tears, she carried a smile that had been dormant for over two years.

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