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Shiro dropped the comm call once again. After five tries, Lance still wasn't answering and neither was Pidge. Shiro felt his stomach twist at the thought of something happening to the three Paladins. However, he tried to keep these worries at bay for Hunk's sake. Shiro knew that Hunk was a worrier and he didn't want to make the situation worse for the Yellow Paladin.

"...I just thought that Lance would finally stick around now that Keith's back, you know?" Hunk rambled from the pilot's seat of the yellow lion. "...or WAS back, anyway." He added.

"Yeah, I thought so too. But we can't dwell on that now. Look." Shiro motioned toward the red, blue, and green lions that appeared as small dots on the distant Galra ship.

"They're just going to park their lions out in the open like that? What are they thinking?"

"Clearly, they aren't." Shiro let out a frustrated breath. "If we have to save them again, I will seriously be fighting the urge to say 'I told you so'."

"I won't." Hunk replied. "Maybe Lance will listen to me for once. But that might just be wishful thinking."

The two Paladins flew closer to the ship but Shiro stopped short just before they made it within 100 feet.

Hunk stopped as well. "Is something wrong, Shiro?" He asked, turning back.

"I don't know. Something just doesn't seem right. Where are their defenses?"

"Maybe they haven't seen us yet?" Hunk suggested.

"It's possible, but I doubt it. Hunk, stay alert. This could be a trap." He steered the black lion forward before BAM!

"Shiro! Are you okay?!"

Shiro waited a few moments for the surge of electricity to die down before he touched the controls again. "A force field. They have a force field." Shiro muttered.

"That explains why we haven't seen any Galra fighter ships yet." Hunk pointed out.

"Right, but it also means that we can't reach them unless we find another way in."

"Well, how did Lance, Pidge, and Keith get in? Maybe we can do the same."

"I doubt that we'll be able to get in the same way they did." Shiro explained. "Force fields are impossible to penetrate. The only way to reach the ship is if someone from the inside temporarily disables... oh no."

"Shiro? Shiro! What's going on? What are you thinking?" Hunk's desperate voice cut through the comm.

"It's a trap. But the trap isn't for us. It's for Keith."

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