The Arena (Part 2)

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Lance skidded to a halt just inches away from crashing into someone he recognized.


"Lance? How did you...? I was coming back to rescue you!"

"We need to get Keith." Lance said urgently.

Pidge began to tinker with the data feed in her helmet again. "I could track--"

"--No need!" Lance interrupted, seizing Pidge's arm and continuing his run. "I know exactly where he is."

"That's nice and all, but could you please slow down! You're too fast! I'm going to trip!"

Lance slowed down just long enough to heave Pidge onto his back before running again. This time his pace was slower due to the extra weight, but adrenaline managed to give Lance just enough power to push through.

It wasn't long before the cheers of Galra soldiers and the shrieks of what could only be the Galra's prisoners reached their ears.

Pidge slid down from Lance's back and crept to the edge of the catwalk on which they stood to watch the action below. "Oh my god."

"What?! What's happening?" Lance leaned over to see what Pidge was referring to.

There Keith was, a speck compared to the monstrous creature standing before him. Lance felt his heart skip a beat as the creature bellowed and buried its fist mere inches away from where Keith had been standing moments before. Keith leapt to his feet again, ignoring the sand that now dusted his pants and the back of his shirt.

The crowd's cheers rose and fell with the action. There was no way for Lance to know which competitor the Galra were rooting for. In all honesty, it probably didn't matter. They wanted blood and the crowd cheered for the competitor who was willing to provide it.

In that moment, Keith made a mad dash underneath the beast and ducked past its curling tail. The creature grunted and meandered to face Keith once again. It growled through protruding fangs while slobber stained the sand a darker brown. However, the moment the creature faced him, Keith ducked out of sight once again.

"Coward! Just fight already!" One of the Galra screamed. The rest followed with similar shouts of protest. The shout distracted Keith just long enough for a clawed arm about the size of a small car to knock him off his feet.

"No!" Lance squeaked as the beast closed in.

"Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!" The crowd chanted.

Just as the creature lifted its front paw for the finishing blow, Keith rolled out of the way and dragged his dagger along its paw pad. The beast bellowed and licked at its wound. While it was distracted, Keith ducked behind it and gripped its tail.

The creature stiffened and raised its tail to watch him with blinking reptilian eyes. The beast flicked its tail to throw him off but Keith remained firmly attached to the creature's beige fur. It hissed in frustration and bucked like a wild bull. However, try as it might, Keith would not budge. The beast bellowed and galloped around the arena, slamming into the side walls and rolling in the sand. The arena echoed with the creature's cries of frustration. The audience's seats shook with every hit the beast took.

Then, at long last, the beast staggered and tripped over its own feet. A loud thud echoed through the arena as the monstrous creature fell in defeat.

"Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!" The audience shrieked as if they hadn't just been cheering for Keith's own demise.

Keith watched the steady rise and fall of the creature's chest before turning his back to it. He sat cross legged in the sand, wiping off his blade with his stained shirt.

The crowd booed in violent protest. Some even went as far as to throw trash into the arena in an attempt to hit Keith and get him fighting again. An audience member stood up and shouted a series of words Lance didn't recognize. He was fairly certain that almost all of those words were not suitable to be heard by children.

"They're furious, aren't they?" Lance commented.

"He's got some nerve." Pidge muttered. "...and stupidity."

"He's so cool."


"Uh--He's a fool." Lance hastily corrected himself.

"Settle down!" A deep voice cut through the crowd.

Instantly the crowd fell silent to hear Zarkon's words.

"That was simply a practice battle; a warm up if you will." He assured them. "Are you ready for the real battle to begin?"

The crowd screamed in excitement. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" They chanted in unison with raised fists punching the air.

"Send in the Paladin." Zarkon's voice boomed. "And someone get that slobbering mess out of my sight!"

Lance's stomach dropped when the Other Keith stepped into the arena with Keith's bayard drawn.

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