Bomb Threat

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"It's like you're not even trying! Pucker up, lover boy 'cause it looks like I'm reaching the home stretch!" Lance laughed triumphantly over the comm when the Altean ship came into sight.

"You're so full of it."

"Aww, sounds like someone's a sore loser."

Keith shook his head with a chuckle. "Oh please! You're--"

A blast hit the Red lion in the shoulder, sending it spiraling back several feet.

"Keith! Are you okay?" Lance exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He tested the controls. "Everything seems to be in order. What the heck was that? There shouldn't be any Galra ships nearby!"

"It isn't Galra! That shot came from OUR ship!" Another shot whizzed just inches over the Blue lion's head. "Hold on, I'm gonna talk to them." There was a pause and faint scuffling from the other line. "STOP SHOOTING! IT'S US!" He screeched.

Keith's hands shot to his ringing ears. "Lance?" He hissed.

"Yes, darling?"

"Wrong comm."

"Oh, sorry. I thought I switched comms. I'll get this sorted out. Hold on."

Keith did not have to wait long before Lance returned.

"They're not picking up."

Keith sighed. "Let me do it."

"What makes you think they'll answer you over me?"

"Worth a shot. Unless you have any better ideas?" Keith responded.

"No, by all means, go ahead."

"I'll talk to you again in a moment."
Keith switched to Shiro's comm. "Shiro! You there? Come on, SHIRO!" There was no answer. He switched the comm again. "Pidge? Come on, Pidge. You there? PIDGE!" No answer. He tried to comm Hunk with the same result. Not even Allura or Coran picked up. He switched the comm back to Lance. "I'm not getting anyone."

"Maybe they're distracted with other things?" Lance suggested.

"Like what? It's not like we're under attack or anything, right?"

"Well, no. Maybe... Ugh! Okay, I'm just gonna call again! This is frustrating!"

"It's not gonna--"

"--PIDGE! Finally!"

"Pidge? Fantastic! Ask her what's going on!"

"I would if you weren't so bossy."

"I'm not--I just... fine!" Keith crossed his arms and threw himself back in the pilot's seat with a scowl.

"...She says that there's been a breach. One of the refugees was a Galra spy..."

Keith sat up. "Which one was it?"

"Hush babe, I'm figuring that out now." Lance switched his attention to Pidge. "Yeah... Him?... but he's still pretty cute despite the whole 'traitor' thing..."

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