Found You

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"Alright, let's see where he's going." Keith pushed himself off from his hiding place against the wall and began to jog forward before a hand took him by the collar and pulled him back.

"You want to go TOWARDS the creepy clone?" Lance questioned.

Keith struggled to move Lance's hand away but Lance only tightened his grip. "If it's the only way for us to get our answers, then yes." He replied stubbornly.

"Keith, we need to think about this..." Pidge began.

"We can ponder until we're old and grey. But we will never learn the truth if we don't try."

"Whoa, man. You're like a human fortune cookie." Lance sounded impressed.

"Lance, not the time." Pidge interjected.

"What? I was just--" Lance hesitated when Pidge raised an eyebrow. "... never mind." He pouted.

Keith used this moment of distraction to slip out of his jacket and run down the corridor.

"What--I--Keith! What the Quiznak!" Lance shouted after him, shaking the jacket in his hand with frustration.

"Lance, please shut up!" Pidge hissed. "They might hear us!"

Lance turned to Keith just as his foot disappeared around the corner. Hurried steps faded in the distance. "Well isn't this just perfect." Lance cursed under his breath. If Keith decides to get himself killed, I'm keeping this."

Pidge rolled her eyes. "Come on, Lance. Let's follow him."

"Whatever. It's mine now." Lance decided and tied the jacket around his waist before jogging after the Green Paladin.

Keith stopped short when he heard voices in the neighboring corridor. He turned and pressed his back against the wall. He covered his mouth with a hand in an attempt to steady his breathing enough to hear what they were saying.

"Regardless of whether it LOOKS like him. This won't work without the real one. We learned THAT the hard way." The voice said with annoyance.

"I'm working on it!" Another, slightly higher pitched voice, responded.

"Well, work faster. Zarkon is not known for his patience."

"I know, I know. I just haven't found him yet. It's only a matter of time. It's not like he can get away, anyhow. I made sure of that."

"Idiot!" Keith winced when the sound of metal clashed against metal. "Force fields weaken over time!"

"Don't you think I don't know that?! Even if WE don't find him, Red Paladin 2.0 is tracking him now."

Keith's eyes snapped to the other end of the corridor as heavy footsteps marched toward them. He pushed himself further back into the cool surface of the wall behind him.

"Speak of the devil." Keith could hear the grin in the Galra soldier's voice. "How is the search coming?"

"He's close. I can sense it."

Keith risked a glance in their direction then dived back behind the wall when the Other Keith turned his head.

"I heard something." The Other Keith's voice was the only thing Keith could hear over his rapidly beating heart.

Keith backed away slowly and was just about to clear the corner when he tripped on something hard. A boot? Keith and Lance crashed to the ground upon impact. They both tried to jump to their feet at the same time but ended up causing the other to lose their balance again.

"Get up!"

"I'm trying!"

"Move out of my way! Give me back my jacket!"

"No way, mullet! Finders keepers!"

Rapid steps closed the distance between itself and the scuffling Paladins. Keith froze, releasing the jacket in their game of tug of war. Keith watched the seeker, gaze tracing the mirror image standing before him. The Other Keith, flanked by two giddy Galra soldiers, smirked with triumph.

"Found you."

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