A Shattered Reality

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Keith stepped over the threshold to face the hooded figure that awaited him. He lifted his bayard eye level to the figure, all the while bracing himself for each tremor of the ship. "Who are you!" He demanded.

The figure lifted its head, allowing only the lower half of its face to be seen. A single red line cut through either cheek of an otherwise purple complexion. "My identity is of no concern to you, boy." It hissed.

Another tremor sent Keith sprawled to the floor. His head was swimming now. Keith could hardly stand and Lance was no where in sight. Neither were any of the other Paladins, for that matter.

The tremors were occurring more often now, each break was a tick shorter than the last. Keith struggled to his feet and returned to his original stance. "I'm going to ask this again. Who. Are. You."

"It would seem that you have seen through my illusion." The figure said, ignoring his question. "...impressive."

For just a split second, Keith was sure that the figure glitched. A hologram? No. It said something about an illusion. Does that mean that none of this is real? But how much of it is fake?
Keith turned to follow the figure's gaze as the walls of the ship cracked and fell away like broken glass. Everything from the walls to the control panel shattered to nothing more than useless fragments of matter. As the ship shattered, Keith found his strength returning to him. With each broken shard, his head became clearer.
The distant roaring of a lion vibrated in his chest. In that moment another crash pounded into the side of the ship that would put even the strongest laser blasters to shame. Keith dived to avoid a chunk of wall that was almost as big as him. As the last of the ship fell away, Keith found himself falling away with it, his surroundings faded into darkness.

A jolt brought Keith to reality. He sat in a dark room with his arms and legs strapped firmly down. Keith attempted to move his hands but just barely managed to wriggle his fingers. He hissed with annoyance and scanned the room for anything that could help him escape but to no avail. However, as he turned to the doorway ahead, he noticed a symbol that was all too familiar to him.

"Galra." He muttered.

A distant roar sounded from somewhere behind the walls of his prison. Keith cocked his head at the unintelligible words of frantic Galra soldiers. Another roar sounded much closer than before and Keith heard something large scratching against the side of the ship.

Keith glared at the doors as they slid open, preparing to see the faces of his captors.

"Keith! Thank God!"

Keith's eyes widened with recognition. "Pidge?"

Pidge launched into action, slashing at the straps that held him down with her bayard.

The moment he was free, Keith sprang to his feet. The energy in which he moved took him by surprise. "What's going on?"

"There's no time to explain." Pidge replied hastily. "We need to get you to your lion."

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