The Quest

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Keith was feeling an overwhelming sensation of déja vu as he retold his secret. "I guess I can't tell you not to tell because, knowing you, you probably told the entire universe by now."

"Keith, give me some credit. I didn't tell everyone. Except maybe Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, Coran, and now Allura."

Keith huffed "Of course."

"...But they probably think it was just a dream right?" He looked to Keith. Lance's expression was riddled with uncertainty.

Keith shook his head. "There's no way to know for sure. And if they don't suspect that there's a bit of truth to your dream, then I see no point in delving any further into the matter. I want to know what's going on. Believe me, I do. But I think this concerns me and the Galra. After all, they rarely do anything without good reason."

"Do you think they're using you to get to us?"

"There's no doubt. I just don't know how yet. It seemed almost too easy when Pidge and I got out."

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Says the guy with the bandages. I think they put up a pretty big fight to keep you."

"They probably figured out what I am. They plan to use my Galra side to their advantage. I'm sure of it. After all, having one of their own on the inside is the best way to get to the black lion, don't you think?"

"But what could they have done? They weren't giving you any Galra propaganda. As far as we knew, everything was completely normal."

"Exactly, that's what I don't understand." Keith rose to his feet and paced the floor. "You said you woke up before we got to the control room, correct?"

Lance nodded.

"Well, when I got there, I saw a woman. In my dream, I mean."

"A woman?" Lance cocked his head. "Was she cute?"

Keith glared at Lance and continued pacing. "I think she was the one behind the dreams. She called them her illusions. If I find her, I find my answers."

"She's on the Galra ship, I presume?"

"There's no doubt." Keith responded.

"You're  going to find her aren't you?"

"Of course. That's the only way for me to figure out what Zarkon's planning."

"You never know when to take a break, do you?" Lance sighed and paused for a long time. "When do we leave?" He replied with a small smile.

Keith's full attention snapped to Lance. "Wait, what?"

"I'm coming." Lance said firmly. "You can't stop me."


Lance held up a hand to silence him. "Nope. No arguing. I'm not letting you do this alone."

"I'm not letting you come with me. Voltron needs you, Lance."

"And Voltron needs you so I'm not letting you get captured again. Someone has to look out for you. You're not gonna do it so it might as well be me."

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