Lost and Found

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"Bring me down carefully."

"Are you sure?" Hunk asked nervously.

"... On second thought, you should probably just drop me in now because It looks like our squirrel friends found him too. Can you get any closer?" Lance asked with growing urgency in his tone.

"The trees are blocking the way and I can't shoot at them without hitting Keith."

Lance cursed under his breath. "Fine. I'll just jump down then."

"Lance, no! We're too high up--"
Lance tried to maneuver himself so that he landed on his feet but the impact sent him tumbling head over heels at Keith's feet.

"Lance? What are you doing here?" A wary Keith glanced in his direction momentarily before turning to the squirrels that were gradually closing in. He rose his bayard, deep in concentration... or as deep in concentration as one could be with Lance around.

"Just... thought I'd drop by." Lance replied, gasping for air after getting the wind knocked out of him. "It looked like you needed some help."

"I can handle this." He replied as he slashed at a sugar glider that attempted to ambush him from above.

Lance elbowed another sugar glider that tried to take a chunk out of Keith's thigh. "You sure?"

Keith scowled. "I don't have time for this." He stabbed at another which hopped out of the way then turned and slashed two at once.

Lance knocked another three out with a lucky shot in the center of the pack with his bayard. "So, any reason why you decided to vacation here?" He asked.

Keith hissed in pain as a sugar glider sunk its teeth between his breast plate and his shoulder pad. He cursed under his breath. "Stop distracting me!" Keith spun around to hit another round of squirrel assailants exposing his back to attacks from behind.

Lance did a 180 until they stood back to back. "You get the ones on the left, I get the ones on the right, got it?"

Keith opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. "Fine. It's not like we have a choice at this point." They continued fighting for what felt like hours but it could only have been a few minutes before he spoke again. "So how did you find me anyway?"

"You're not that difficult to find, you know. Coran tracked the coordinates of--" Lance shot at another wave of oncoming sugar gliders. "--the escape pod you used."

"That's some miracle." Keith stabbed at a squirrel that was trying to chew through his armor.


"It's currently being digested by a palm tree." Keith stepped further back until both of their backs touched then held his shield over their heads as a makeshift squirrel umbrella for the next ambush from above. "I didn't think it still had a signal."

Some of the squirrels latched onto his shield which he then promptly launched into the overgrowth. About halfway through their fall, the squirrels spread out their paws and drifted into the lower branches of a blue coniferous tree.

"How many are there? It's like they keep respawning!" Lance huffed.

"Tell me about it."

"Guys, we have a plan that could hopefully get you two out of there.

"Hunk, you're here too?" Keith almost dropped his bayard in shock.

"Yeah, we all are." Shiro replied.
"Pidge, you think you can get closer to them without touching the trees?"

"Of course."

"Hang in there, guys!" Hunk shouted. "We'll get you out of there in a jiffy!"

Lance glanced over his shoulder for more attackers only to be distracted by a certain something on Keith's face. Was Keith, the guy who led everyone to believe he was invincible, actually crying?

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