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Soft baby! :3♡

This chapter contains selfharm! If you're triggered don't read till the end!

Enjoy the chapter!


A week.

It has been a week since Louis stood him up. It felt a lot longer, but it was exactly seven days. No calls, no texts, no random stop by's by his door- nothing. Harry's feelings were all over the place to put it nicely. He was sad, confused and just over all on the edge for some reason. It was stupid in a way since the two hadn't known each other for that long, but to Harry it felt like they had been friends forever. He knew more things about Louis than he knew about Zayn and he had been friends with the latter for years. Harry was just over all more comfortable around Louis than most people.

That's one of the things that Harry believes that pushed Louis away, he was too clingy. He was too eager to be around the older boy and didn't notice that he was annoyed of it. Other thing that he thinks that may have caused this radio silence, was all his flaws. He wasn't social at his best, he was shy, anxious and he stuttered ninetynine percent of the time. He understood that it must have gotten annoying at some point- Niall had just grown to get used to it apparently.

Or then you're just too discusting to look at.

That could be it too. Harry was mad at himself as he hadn't noticed all this from Louis. He hadn't noticed how the blue eyed boy was getting tired of him. Maybe if Harry hadn't asked him to stay the night everything would be okay. If he hadn't kissed him, everything could be fine.

Why did he have to ruin everything with the kiss?

After the kiss, everything went down hill. He should've known that Louis wasn't gay, it had been so obvious. A small voice in his head tells him that he couldn't possibly have known something like that, but the louder voice that yelled at him, was getting all his attention.

But most likely it was just all these things combined. Harry was too clingy, he wasn't bubbly and talkative, he was anxious and awkward. He had kissed Louis though knowing that he wasn't gay. He was so ugly and fat that the boy just couldn't bear to see him again.

"Harry, are you listening?" Niall's voice brings him back to the reality. He was dining with Liam, Zayn and Niall in a small restaurant they had been going to for a year or so now. Well, originally it had just been him, Niall and Zayn, but since Niall and Liam was a thing now a days, it was natural that he tagged along.

Harry snaps his eyes to the boy and flashes a small smile. His speciality. "Yeah," he hums lightly. "Just got lost in my thoughts for a second, that's all. What were you talking about?"

"Are you okay, H? You were quiet for some time," Zayn asks with his eyebrows furrowed. It was odd, since Harry was quiet for the most of the time anyways.

The boy still looks over to Zayn who was sitting next to him and nods, "All good."

Zayn didn't look that convinced, but clearly let it go. "We were just talking about how the latest Harry Potter movie was a good one," Niall changes the subject back. "Eddie Redmayne is hot, so that might be it." He shrugs innocently.

"Babe, you know that it tecnically isn't a Harry Potter movie? It's just from the same author and involves around wizards. Harry Potter isn't even mentioned," Liam says nudging his boyfriend's side. "And really now? Trying to make me jealous?"

"But it is before Harry was even born! Obviously they're not going to talk about someone who doesn't even excist," the blonde rolls his eyes. "And what else would I do in my life than to make you jealous?" He adds teasingly, moving to peck Liam's cheek.

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