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Waking up next to Louis is the best thing Harry decides. Falling asleep in the boy's arms was really nice as well, but waking up was even better. Especially when he was awake first and could see how relaxed and young Louis looked when he was asleep. The way his lashes fluttered softly against his cheekbones as he was dreaming. Or the way he subconsciously tightened his hold on Harry whenever the younger boy moved.

It might be categorised as creepy the way he was watching the sleeping boy, but he didn't care. He would blame it on every love story he had ever written if someone asked him about it.

But just like everything good, it has to come to an end. Why? Well, Harry needs to pee really badly, that's why. He doesn't want to wake up the peacefully sleeping boy, but he has to.

"Lou," he says softly with a small nudge to the boy's shoulder. "Lou wake up, I need to pee really bad."

When Louis doesn't even move a finger, Harry decides to change the strategy. He wiggles himself from under the boy's hand and moves to support himself on his elbows. He smiles to himself before he leans down and places some soft kisses all around Louis' face. He keeps clear from his mouth as he doesn't want to worry about the morning breath ruining everything.

The new strategy works and few moments in, Louis' lips quirk up and he blinks his eyes open. "Good morning," he says with his voice raspy from the sleep.

"Morning," Harry smiles brightly, pulling back the slightest so he could see the boy properly. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept better than in weeks," Louis smiles, his eyes falling to the younger boy's lips. "Did you?"

Harry bites his lip and nods happily. "I slept really well," he says. "And I would love to stay here, but I really need to pee," he whispers softly.

"Hmm? And what if I don't want to let you go?" Louis asks playfully tightening his hold on the boy's waist.

"Please?" Harry says tutting his bottom lip out and giving Louis the best puppy dog eyes he could. "I really need to pee."

"Okay fine," Louis says finally. "But be back quickly? I want to nap for few more minutes."

"I'll be back before you know it," Harry promises before he squirms his way next to the bed and then proceeds to walk to the toilet. He is quick to do his business and wash his hands, walking back into the room in less than two minutes. "Was that quick enough?" He asks smiling as he lays next to the boy again.

Louis' arms immediately wrap around his waist again and pull him close to his chest. "Could've been faster," he mumbles into Harry's hair before planting a soft kiss there.

Harry grins to himself and closes his eyes as he nuzzles his face to Louis' chest happily. There was a small voice in the back of his head wondering how the hell it all happened so fast, but the louder voice told him to shut up and enjoy. He knew that they would have to talk about it eventually and see if they were on the same page, but it could wait. Right now he rather focused on listening Louis' steady heartbeat and the deep breathing that lulled him back to sleep.

The next time he wakes up, Louis is already awake based on the feeling of someone playing with his hair. Harry keeps his eyes closed for a while, enjoying the soft touch.

"I know that you're awake Haz," Louis says softly just as Harry considers opening his eyes. He doesn't move and Louis doesn't stop playing with his hair.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Harry giggles softly and looks up to the older boy. "I'm still sleeping."

"Ah yes, I've read about people having conversations while in a deep sleep. Fascinating to witness it," Louis teases leaning down and kissing Harry's forehead lightly. "I know that we have to talk about this sooner or later, but I'd rather choose the later option," he whispers against the boy's skin.

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