25. Epilogue

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"Why can't we sleep in the same bed?"

"Because it's a single bed, love, we wouldn't fit on it together."

"But we cuddle either way- you always end up pulling me over your chest so it's basically the same thing. Please? I don't want to sleep alone."

"Don't pout-"

"I'm not pouting."

"Yes you are- can you stop that? You know that I can't help myself when you're giving me that look."

"So is that a yes?"


"Thank you!" Harry exclaims happily as he attacks Louis with a warm hug. They had just arrived at the Styles family summer house and were in the middle of unpacking their things. In their room was a bunk bed and neither of them was fond of taking the top bed. So, when Louis suggested that they'd throw a coin for the bottom one, Harry had disagreed and wanted to sleep next to him. And in the end, he had won.

"You're welcome love," Louis chuckles softly. "Now how about we finish unpacking and then go to the shore where your mum has put up the breakfast?" He hums smiling.

"Can I have a kiss before we go?" Harry asks humming as he keeps his arms around Louis' neck and smiles softly. He was over the moon to be here with Louis as he had many good memories while growing up around here. He was certain that he'd have them with Louis as well.

In the lieu of answer, Louis leans down and kisses the boy softly, smiling into the kiss. Harry kisses back eagerly, happy to keep it light and sweet with no unnecessary heat forcing it. They pull apart a moment later, leaning in for one last peck before stepping back.

Louis holds his hand out of Harry who takes it without any trace of hesitation and so they make their way downstairs. It's quiet in the house as everyone is outside already and that's where the couple heads as well. They swing their joined hands between them lightly as they venture down the path toward the shore.

Anne had moved a table with the help of Robin to the waterline, along with six chairs. Four out of them were made of wood and painted grey while the two other were plastic and white. The table itself was also grey but made of plastic, so it was like it was a mixed version of the chairs.

When they get closer to the others, Anne stands up from her seat and walks to them with her arms wide open. Harry chuckles lightly as he lets go of Louis' hand and falls into the embrace easily. "Took you long enough," she says playfully as they pull apart and she goes to Louis.

"Had a bit disagreement about the sleeping arrangements," Louis says with a playful glint in his eyes as he accepts Anne's hug easily.

"Oh, really?" Gemma asks smirking over the rim of her cuppa as she looks at them. "And does it have something to do with Harry's excessive need of cuddles?" She asks teasingly.

Harry glares at him, looking like a kitten more than anything else. "Stop it," he says pouting as he feels arms wrapping around his waist. He doesn't have to look to know that it's Louis so he leans against the steady chest, keeping his eyes fixed on his sister.

"Calm down love," Louis chuckles while pressing a kiss on his neck. "You look like Prince when you do that."

"Where's our baby?" Harry asks turning to look at Louis. That's when a soft meow gets his attention, making him snap his eyes to the table where Prince is now sitting on the table in front of Gemma. "Baby Hi, look who's up," he says cooing as he reaches for the kitten.

Prince meows and paws Harry's shirt all until the boy lifts him enough for him to push his face into Harry's neck. It was a weird habit of the kitten was that he always wanted to burrow his head to people's necks. Guess he enjoyed the warmth. "There he is," he smiles while rocking him slightly. He hears some laughing coming in front of him, making him look up to Gemma who was snickering.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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