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Harry stares at the boy on top of him with glassy eyes and want pooling in the pit of his stomach. He was a virgin, there was no way of denying that. He had never had a sexual experience with someone else if you excluded his own hand when he was feeling really desperate. He was a virgin, but he wasn't stupid.

He recognised the want behind Louis' eyes when their eyes met and the heat in his stomach. There was no denying that they wanted each other. So Harry doesn't feel nervous when he gives a slow nod as an answer to the question. Louis smiles softly down on him and leans down to capture the younger boy's lips into a sweet kiss.

They spend their time kissing slow and sweet until they wordlessly agree that they need something more. They stand up from the couch and intertwine their fingers as Louis leads them into the bedroom. As soon as the door closes behind them, they are chest to chest, their lips meeting halfway in a kiss. Louis moves his hands to Harry's soft hips as he begins to walk them toward the bed. When Harry's knees make contact with the bed, they lay down together onto the soft mattress.

After making sure that Harry was comfortable on his back, Louis moves to lay on top of the younger boy. The kiss is different from the ones they shared on the couch. While this one was also full of loving, passion and desire, all the traces of desperateness and hurry were wiped away. Harry shivers under the boy as the kiss deepens and he feels Louis trace his fingers down his side and slip under his shirt. Louis' fingers are warm and gentle against his skin, the touch making Harry's insides tingle.

They part from the kiss way too quickly if you ask Harry. The younger boy chases Louis' lips when Louis pulls away, earning a soft chuckle from the said boy. "Are you sure of this?" Louis asks softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Harry opens his eyes to look at the older boy in the dim lit room.

The look Louis is giving him is the most loving one yet. His blue eyes are soft and warm, his lips are curled into a gentle smile and just over all his facial expression is just so sweet. Harry knows that he's sure of it. "Yeah," he whispers. "I-I haven't done anything though," he admits shyly, a blush forming onto the apples of his cheeks. He is suddenly glad of the lack of lighting in the room as his cheeks warm up quite hard.

"Really?" Louis asks softly, leaning down to peck the boy's forehead. "Don't worry about it love. I wasn't planning on all the way on the first time with you."

Harry feels bad for being surprised at the words. He knew that Louis would never pressure him into anything or do anything to hurt him. But still, hearing the words made butterflies fill his stomach and his body relax completely. "I want my first time to be with you," Harry whispers shyly, keeping the eye contact with Louis. He felt awkward talking about sex but he wanted - no needed Louis to know how he felt. How much all of this meant to him.

"When the time comes, I'd love you to be my first as well," Louis says smiling softly as he leans in for another sweet kiss. "So you've never been touched before?" He asks pulling away after few moments of kissing. When their eyes meet, Harry sees something behind Louis' eyes that he can't explain.

"No," Harry says accompanied by a shake of his head. He swears that he hears Louis mutter out a quiet fuck under his breath before there was a pair of lips on his again.

Harry kisses back eagerly, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist again and pulling him closer. Louis' left-hand finds its place from next to Harry's side as his right moves up under the boy's shirt. The younger boy lets out a soft gasp when Louis' fingers hover over his nipple. The sensation is new to him, making his body react by rolling his hips up and digging his nails into Louis' skin. The older boy groans at the contact against his lower region. He takes advantage of their position and rolls his hips down experimentally.

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