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The pic is realistic though 👆

Thank you for all your reads and votes and god I cannot believe that this story has 600 reads already! Like wtf?

Love you all! Enjoy x


The Christmas went by in a blur, as well as the New Years. Harry spent them with his family, as he felt too comfortable to leave after Christmas. Gemma stayed through the holidays as well, so it was like a dream come true to Anne. Nothing major or out of the ordinary happened. Harry managed to keep his cuts hidden with long sleeved shirts. Afterward, when he thought about it, he felt idiotic. Why? Because he could've done it when the boys were over as well. The bracelets were in vain.

Well, next time.

Louis had been calling and texting him ever since finding out. They had pretty much fallen back into the same routine than before the kiss. It was really nice, although it made Harry feel like a burden. Louis was subtle with his texts and questions. He never asked directly if Harry had cut again.

He hadn't.

Harry is sitting on the loveseat, his thighs pressed against his chest and his arms around his legs. His chin was leaning against his knees and his eyes were fixed on the telly. Today was not a good day. He had woken up from a nightmare, a very realistic one, and couldn't fall back to sleep after that.

He couldn't pay any attention to the show playing in front of him. It was just something to distract himself from the hunting itch on his wrists. He had his eyebrows furrowed and his fingers twitching as he waited for Ashton to arrive.

After the nightmare, Harry had rushed to the bathroom and pulled out the razor. He almost did it. The blade was already against his skin when he thought of Louis. Louis, who was the person he didn't want to disappoint. The person who had made sure that he hadn't done anything during the holidays. From that, his mind traveled to Anne. His sweet mother who didn't deserve a self-harming son.

Over one of the phone calls made over the break, Louis had mentioned this to Harry. It had been late at night and Harry had to keep quiet to not to wake up his family.

"Have you thought about how your mom would feel?" Louis asks suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"If she knew."

"Knew about what?" Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows in the dark room. He was confused and the lack of sleep didn't help at all.

"You know what," Louis says quietly. "Think of her the next time you want to do it. Think of her love for you and how you want to make her happy."

Harry didn't remember how the conversation went on after that, but that part was loud and clear in his head.

So after he pictured the disappointed and sad looks on their faces, he set down the razor. He then left the bathroom and went to get his phone. His first instinct was to call Niall, but he remembered that the blonde was still in Ireland with his family. Zayn wasn't an option as he was with Gigi.

Harry decided to reach out from his comfort zone and texted Ashton. Ashton replied in few minutes, saying how he could be there in an hour or so.

The grocery bags had passed slowly. The cooking show had already ended and Harry was getting impatient. He would bake something to make the time go by faster, but he was still full of all the sweets he had eaten on the holidays. He didn't want to get any fatter.

Harry started to flick through the channels, never finding anything good to watch. Ten minutes after the ringing doorbell saved Harry from his agony. He quickly stood up from the seat and hurried to the door. He made sure that his hair was looking okay before he opened the door with a smile on his face.

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