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The next two months were perfect. Harry and Louis were basically living in each other's pockets. There was no fighting apart from the bickering that happened daily. And the bickering couldn't even count as fighting as it was completely heatless and made them seem more like an old married couple. Not that they didn't act on it more than that also. Whenever they were eating dinner or lunch, they focused more on stealing food from each other's plates than eating from their own. But it was all good as Harry did it anyways and Louis thought that the food tasted better from someone else's plate.

Niall had been happy to hear how they had figured it all out- right after giving Louis a long speech how he would break some bones if he treated Harry badly. Louis had played along with the scared role though laughing softly when Niall had hugged him afterwards.

Things were going so well between them that Harry had cleared few of his drawers for Louis' things and bought a toothbrush for him. It was so domestic to have Louis' toothbrush in the same glass as his, blue next to green that it made the boy giddy. All his life he had dreamed of having someone to share his living space with, and this was the first step toward it.

The only thing shadowing the calm and lovely time was Harry's occasional episodes when it all got a bit too much. At these times Louis stayed close, holding him in his arms and running his hands up and down his body. He made sure that Harry took his medicine and assured him that he didn't mind that Harry was perfect the way he was. The episodes weren't so bad when Louis was around.

Since they had been together for a while now, it was time to meet the family. Harry had already met Jay when he had spent the night at Louis so it was Louis' turn to meet Harry's family. Harry was, of course, nervous to introduce him to his family, not because he was ashamed of Louis or the family, but because it would make it so much more real. Though it didn't make him any less excited.

At the moment they are sitting on a train, heading towards the Holmes Chapel. Harry was leaning his head against Louis' shoulder, looking out of the window the passing scenery. Louis was running his fingers through his hair and softly humming under his breath. Harry loved the soft sound, always keeping as quiet as possible when Louis was either singing or humming, afraid that if he made a sound he would stop.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asks at one point as he starts to recognise the scenery. "You know about meeting my family?"

"Should I be?" Louis chuckles, his fingers stopping for a moment as he looks down at him.

"That wasn't an answer," Harry points out before capturing his bottom lip between his teeth. He was slightly nervous as he hadn't brought anyone home before. He knew that his mother would absolutely love Louis and that they would get along perfectly with Robin and Gemma. So he wasn't afraid of awkward silences or Louis and his family not getting along. He was nervous to take the step. It would make everything more real and serious. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't afraid of it for himself. He just didn't want Louis to freak out over it.

"No, surprisingly I'm not," Louis says after a moment and continues to play with his hair. "I mean it's your family, right? They can't be bad because you're so perfect," he says in a playful tone, leaning down to kiss Harry's forehead softly. "Are you?"

"No," Harry shakes his head lightly. "I know that mum will love you as well as Gems and Robin. You've met her before so," he says referring to Gemma.

"I have a surprise for you when we get back home," Louis says smiling. He chuckles as Harry sits up and looks at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Harry asks biting his lip to hold back the grin. He loved surprises and Louis knew him so he believed that it would be a good one. "Can you please give me a clue what it is?" He asks giddily.

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