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It takes a few seconds to Harry to realise the words. His eyes widen and blush covers his cheeks as he turns to look at Louis. The older boy seemed to be lost whether to be amused or scared.

"And, if you choose to back out and not do it you have to take off your pants," Niall adds smiling. "So either a dance or pants will go."

"So either I have to be basically naked or I have to embarrass myself?" Harry asks quietly.

Louis pulls Harry closer and brings his lips to his ear. "You don't have to do it, love, we can get you a blanket or something to cover up," he says softly, kissing the skin behind his ear.

"You won't do it," Zayn shakes his head. "There is no way the Harry we know would do that. Hell, I bet you fifty pounds that you won't do it."

"I'll jump on that one," Niall says grinning. "I'll throw in a fifty as well. It's okay Hazza, we know that you're not the type-"

"I'll do it," Harry interrupts the blonde with a determination clear on his face. "I can do it and I will."

Louis runs his fingers through the boy's hair lightly while the other boys stare at Harry surprised. "Are you sure love?" Louis asks softly, his voice quiet enough for it to be for Harry's ears only. "You really don't have to do it, you have nothing to prove."

"But I do," Harry says equally as quiet. "I want to prove that I can." He wasn't sure if it was the greatest idea but he needed to do it. He didn't want to be the person in their group who didn't have the guts to do anything. Which was a bit dramatic, but hey how bad could it be?

"Okay then," Niall says looking surprised as ever. "To what song you want to dance to?" He asks standing up and walking over to the stereos. He pulls out his phone and connects it to the sound system.

Harry glances over to Louis and silently asks for help. He didn't listen to the type of music that was sexual or good for a lap dance. He only knew a few Beyonce songs that might me good for the purpose. The older boy seems to understand what Harry was after and answers by shrugging lightly. Harry sticks his tongue out at him, before turning to Niall.

"Um, Partition by Beyonce?" Harry says unsurely. If he remembers the song correctly it was sexual.

"Partition? Good choice," Zayn comments humming. "Not sure why you chose it though. It's not like you're going to dance or anything."

Harry looks over at Zayn with his eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't sure if Zayn was just pushing him to do it or trying to rile him up or something. Zayn was never the one trying to make him feel stupid or weak. So it was understandable why Harry was so confused over the attitude.

"How about you just focus on getting the fifty you promised, huh?" Louis comes to the rescue. While speaking he squeezes Harry's hip reassuringly.

Zayn holds his hands up in surrender. "Chill. I'll do that after Harry is done with the show."

Louis clearly wasn't happy about the term the raven haired boy used of the dance, based on the mutter under his breath. Harry places his hand flat against Louis' chest in an attempt to try to have the boy to calm down. The older boy glances down and breaths out deeply. Harry is just about to say something to Louis when Niall chirps in.

"The music is ready, so you can start if you feel like it."

Harry captures his bottom lip between his teeth as he nods and stands up. He keeps his eyes down on his feet as he moves to stand in front of Louis. He shivers slightly as he hears the starting beats of the song come through the speakers quite loudly. He notices immediately that the version of the song was the shorter one, making him relax the slightest. He could do it. He shyly looks up at Louis from under his lashes and takes a small step closer to him.

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