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Warmth. That's the first thing that Harry thinks when he wakes up from his slumber. He feels something warm and solid against his cheek and something heavy around his waist. Harry nuzzles his face against whatever is under him until he realises that it's not his pillow. He blinks his eyes open with his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly open. He lifts his head from the source of the warmth and tilts his chin up.

He freaks out when he sees that there is someone in his bed, but calms down as he recognises the person as Niall. Harry glances down slowly and notices the hand draped around him. It explains the weight on his waist.

Suddenly he registers how his jeans were squeezing his legs, (and most importantly, his dick) uncomfortably. Harry slowly moves to button them down, opening the zipper while he was at it and kicks the jeans off his legs. He almost moans at the feeling of his legs - and his dick - getting freed from the tight hold. He is also pleased with himself as he did all that without waking up Niall.

Knowing that he was safe in his bed, next to his best friend, Harry leans back down and curls against Niall's chest. He smiles lightly when he feels the boy tighten his hold on him. He was always the cuddliest when he was tired, so he was pleased to be held.

Harry manages to get few more hours of sleep before he wakes up fully. He didn't want to get out of bed just yet, but his bladder was full and he really needed to pee. So, he rolls out of bed careful not to wake Niall up and walks to his bathroom. He flushes the toilet after he is done and tiptoes back to his bedroom. He makes sure that his best friend is still sleeping before he makes his way over to his closet. He stares his clothes for less than ten seconds before he pulls out his favourite pair of yoga pants and a sheer long sleeved shirt. Well, it wasn't sheer per say, it just was so thin that it might as well be. Harry changes his clothes as well as his boxers - he wasn't a dirty boy.

After he is done, he walks out of the room once again and closes the door behind him. Harry feels surprisingly chipper considering that he just drank alcohol the night before. When he thinks about it, he can remember Niall mentioning how most people didn't get a hangover on their first time. Or he could just be special, he didn't know. Either way, his head was clear and he didn't feel nauseous. The only thing that made him feel like he had been drinking was the nasty taste in his mouth. He clearly hadn't brushed his teeth when he had come home, which was pretty much self-explanatory. Also, the fact that he didn't have proper memories from the night before was alerting. He could remember some parts, but some were blurry or not there. He didn't like the lack of memories. He would have to ask Niall if he knew how to remember.

Harry walks to the kitchen and straight to the window. He smiles when he looks outside, glad to see the sun shining. It was one of the first mornings of the year where he could really enjoy the weather.

He decides to go out and get the mail. It's over ten already, so the mail should be delivered by now. He walks over to the door with a happy skip in his step. He stops to get his shoes on and when he's ready, he slides out of the door. He gets the mail quickly as it was colder outside than he thought it would be. Sun didn't mean warmth apparently.

When he gets back inside, he doesn't wait to get his shoes on before he opens the small box he had gotten. Harry was curious and confused while ripped the tape from the top. He hadn't ordered anything and it wasn't usual for him to get surprised packages from the mail. There weren't any notes either, just his name and his address.

After some struggling Harry gets the box open. On the bottom of it is a small, orange bottle of pills. Getting even more confused than before, he gets the bottle on his hands and reads the name on the bottle. Cymbalta oral. Then it hits him.

Gemma had asked her friend who was a doctor if she could write him a description for depression/anxiety pills. Why did she that? Harry didn't want to go the doctors alone and their schedules didn't match. So, she had described his symptoms the best she could and got the description.

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