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For a week Harry managed to avoid Louis' calls. After the day two, he was embarrassed for his actions so that was the point when his motive changed. He was even more scared that Louis was going to break up with him now than he was before. He had been so dumb- why hadn't he just picked up the phone? He could only imagine how it looked like to Louis. He seemed so ungrateful and untrusting, which he clearly was. He didn't want to be but apparently, his wants didn't have anything to do with it.

On the other hand, he liked to think that others would have the same problem. Hearing your boyfriend to laugh when you've just taken a break with some boy whose name you had never heard before- it brings some images to your head that is not pretty or wanted.

He made a deal with himself though, which he thought that was a process at itself. The next time Louis calls, he'll answer.

The only problem was that Louis hadn't called today yet. It was already nearing four pm and still no call. Harry was afraid that Louis had given up. If that was the case then he needed to man up and take matters into his own hands. But for now, he would wait for Louis to call.

And while he waited for that, he baked. He had developed a habit of baking whenever he was nervous or anxious. In a matter of hours, he had already baked three batches of muffins, five of cookies and a cake. He had no intention to eat them all, he thought about giving them to his neighbours or something. Maybe even the homeless shelter down the street or for the retirement home.

Some of it would honestly go to Niall since he would somehow just know that he had baked and complain if he didn't get any. And Harry didn't want to chance losing Niall so he'd happily give him some cookies.

At some point, Harry ran out of ingredients to bake so he had to stop. He pouted as he cleaned up after himself though it didn't take long. He moves to lean his elbows against the counter looking around his kitchen. He had already cleaned his flat twice so he had nothing to do. He wasn't hungry so he didn't bother cooking food either.

Niall was visiting his home in Ireland so there was no chance of asking him to hang out. He had tried texting Ashton but the boy was busy moving in with Luke. He didn't feel like hanging out with Zayn, Ed or Liam so he wouldn't push himself to ask them.

Leaving him nothing else to do, he decides to deliver the goods. He estimated that he would take few hours to do it all because he couldn't carry all the sweets at the same time.

Harry starts with his neighbours, giving ten to each of those who answered their doors. He got smiley faces and bright thank you's when he gave the sweets over and walked away with a wave. He was surprised to notice how few neighbours he actually had. He had thought until today that he had so much more. Something new to learn every day apparently.

After he was done with his rounds in his building, he made his way back to his apartment and got the rest of the sweets. Carrying the muffins, he makes his way down the street and toward the retirement home.

He was greeted with bright smiles and pats on the back, even some hugs from the elderly ladies. He spent few hours talking to them until he was directed to leave due the evening snack time. He bit his goodbyes and promised to visit soon with more muffins since the elderly people were really nice and he enjoyed bringing joy to them.

After he left the retirement home he walked back home to get rest of the muffins. He walks up the stairs to his apartment, stopping on his tracks when he sees the figure standing in front of his door. Or well, leaning against it looks more like it, since his forehead is pressed against the wood as well as his palms, despite the flowers that cover his right hand.

"Please Harry just open the door," Louis says sounding tired and defeated. "Please. I'm not leaving until you let me see you. Just let me see you, baby, I need to know that you're okay-"

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