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A weird thing about being in love was that you thought about yourself less. It wasn't what I want but what does he want. It wasn't about what he needed and what was best for him, no. It was what was best for Louis and what would Louis want. Yes, sometimes Harry had to think about himself it was in his nature. But he noticed the change in his everyday life. He wouldn't buy apples as often anymore as Louis wasn't the biggest fan. Instead, he would stock up on bananas, along with occasional mangos. And it was okay since he liked bananas and mangos as well.

He noticed the same change in Louis though. When usually Louis was one to shower in the mornings, he had switched to nights because he wanted to let him sleep as long as he could. He also stopped smoking or at least lessened it because Harry didn't like the smell. They were both making some sacrifices but it was what being in a relationship was all about after all. You wanted to make your significant other happy no matter what.

They did some mutual changes as well. They switched the laundry detergent at Harry's place since they couldn't decide whose scent was better. Harry naturally liked Louis' better just like he liked Harry's more. And as sappy it sounded, Harry swooned at the thought of smelling the same as Louis and if he was being honest their new laundry detergent smelled better than their old ones. They also bought a thicker blanket for them as Harry liked to sleep with the window open and Louis got cold easily. Now they could both sleep easily with the window open.

They also purchased a tiny bed to Prince that they put by the foot of the bed. Oh another thing, they had decided that their small kitten looked more like a Prince than Mittens, so they decided to call their baby that. It was clear that he loved the name as well as every time they would say his name, the kitten would purr and come to them. It was quite funny as he was acting more like a puppy than a kitten, but at least he wasn't hiding in the corners or under the bed.

It felt like the time had passed in a blink of an eye because before Harry even knew it, he was getting ready for his graduation. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. He was excited to begin a new chapter in his life but it was also quite scary. The safety of the familiarity would fade away in a matter of hours and he would have to step into the unknown. But luckily he had Louis there to take the step with him.

There was one thing that was making him happy-nervous even in the middle of the uncertain time. He and Louis had been going strong for four and half months now, not a single worry ahead of them. Louis was basically already living with him, sharing Harry's living space and the younger boy loved it. He loved it so much that he was going to ask Louis to move in with him for real. He knew that Louis loved his family to death but he also knew that Louis was nineteen, turning twenty in December and was ready to move out from home. Harry wasn't scared of Louis saying no because he knew that if Louis were to say no, he would have a good reason for it. He would also find the right words to break it for him and make sure that Harry was alright.

A soft sound of Prince meowing pulled Harry out of his thoughts. He turns around to face his bed where the kitten was sitting with his eyes on the boy. One thing that was on the verge of being annoying was that the kitten didn't seem to like his bed. He would lay there calmly during the day but the second Harry and Louis would get in bed, he would meow pathetically before one of them lifted him to join them. They both knew that they shouldn't give in, but the sound was so heartbreaking that they simply couldn't help themselves.

"What baby?" Harry asks softly, cooing at the kitten as he walks toward the bed. "Do you miss daddy as well? Don't worry, papa's here for you," he says as he picks Prince up. Harry and Louis had taken as a habit to call themselves daddy and papa to Prince as he was their baby after all. It may have been a bit over the top, but they didn't care. It worked for them, so.

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