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        "Come in kids, come in," said Death using his goofy voice that was irritating to the core.
        "Father, really with the voice," said your brother.
        "Sorry, but you know I don't want to scare the kids these days. But how are you doing kidos?"
        "Father, we're fine. But I would love it if you could just give us our schedules for your school," you said kind of coldly.
        "What's wrong?"
        "I'm just tired. I'm sorry. I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
        "I just wish you would smile once in a while. It would bring joy to my face once again."
        "I know, father, but I just can't seem to find a reason to smile anymore. All I seem to see is the cold hard truth of the world and it's pain. I truly am sorry." Jack had a pained look like he wanted to say something but decided against saying it. "Kid?"
        "I wanted to say this before, but I know you would have freaked out. While you were fighting your hair got cut."
        "What!?" he exclaimed flipping out and you only could watch. He passed out like a symmetrical freak that you know he is. His OCD was getting annoying.
        "Well, here you all are with Professor Stein."
        "Yes, sir. Come on Kid. You need to get over it. It's just hair. It'll grow back. Liz. Patty. Please. I'll wait outside the door." Jack followed you out and you knew that he was going to speak.
        "What were you talking about?"
        "I feel the pain of the world. I know it's crazy but I do. It's not the best feeling in the world. I know you worry about me but you don't need too. I'm fine."
        "You say that all the time but you lie. I know something is bothering you."
        "NO!!! You can't say that!!!" you yelled throw your sleeve. "I'm tired of this." You spoke softer and looked down. Your hair fell in front of your face.
        "Come now, you know I care." he was coming in to hug you.
        "Don't," you started plainly.
        "Come on, Kid you can do this later," said Liz. You went back in and sat in front of Kid. You put your parasol down and put your hand on his head. Your left hand was on the ground to keep you balanced and you right hand was on Kid's head.
        "Kid, get up, please. We need to go," you said soothingly.
        "Okay, let's go." You got up and so did he. You walked down the hall and make it to the class room.
        "Well hello there. We met again, I see. I'm Professor Stein. What are your names?"
        "I'm Death the Kid. They are Liz and Patty."
        "I'm Jack and this is my meister." He spoke softly to me and said, "Go on tell them your name."
        You had put your sleeve back over your mouth, before you entered the room. "I'm Little Death."
        "So that's your name. Why hasn't your father talked about?" asked Stein.
        "I don't know."
        "WHAT'S UP WITH THE UMBRELLA?" yelled the boy from earlier.
        "To protect my skin from the sun." You were getting unconformable with all the eyes on you.
        "Are you two twins?" That's when you ran out and out to the front of the school. You just wanted to go home and you had dropped your parasol. You just ran without thinking and you started to burn. When the sun hit your fair skin, but you kept running.
        "Little!!!" yelled Jack and Kid. You just ran. Till you tripped over your own feet. That's when you felt yourself start to catch fire and the burning kicked in. You started screaming. It felt like a thousand knives were being put into your skin all at once.
        "Little!!!!" yelled Kid. "Come on, you need to go back in." He picked you up and carried you off and the last thing you saw was Jack with the most worried face. His hazel eyes filled with fear and his brown hair dripping with sweat. Then everything went dark.

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