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        You walked off like you could walk on clouds. Everything about you is a gentle person. You were a kind person. You kept your sleeve over your mouth. You stayed quiet the whole way to your house. You really weren't one to speak much. You had many thing that you wanted to keep hidden from everyone. Your partner was always trying to get you to speak about what was eating you from the inside out.
        You didn't want to drag anyone into it. You could only trust Kid. He was your blood after all. You only could do things with his help and the help of Jack. You just didn't want him in it. You kept your mouth hidden so no one would see the flaws that were in it.
        "So Little, why is that your name?" asked Soul.
        "I'd rather not say."
        "WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET!?" asked Black Star.
        "There are many thing that don't need to be spoken. But are seen through the heart. Maka, I know something is on your mind, I can feel it. Please, tell. Even though I may know it."
        "Oh, you and your brother have like souls. How is that possible?" said Maka.
        "We are twins, if you hadn't figured that out."
        "What!?!?" exclaimed Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, and Maka.
        "Yes, we are," said Kid. "I don't know how we are related myself. But she's my better half. She helps me with..." he trailed off.
        "With his symmetry obsession," you said finishing his sentence. You turned, but all of a sudden you felt dizzy and almost fell. You grabbed Kid's arm and he supported you.
        "Sorry," you said looking down at the ground.
        "Hungry?" he asked smiling. You just nodded looking up and smiling. "Jack, can you carry her the rest of the way?"
        "Yeah," he said picking you up bridle style. You lied your head on his chest listening to he's steady heart beat. You soon started to drift off to sleep. You still had your parasol in your hand, but you were losing grip of it. Jack re-jested it so you weren't to get burned.
        You dreamed for the rest of the trip. You dreamed, that you had lost everyone, but there was a boy with pink, white hair. He had a kind face. But what got you the most was that he disappeared and you loved him so much. It broke your heart. You felt tears stream down your face. You were alone and you didn't want to be. You could still feel his hand resting on your face as he to disappeared into the darkness.
        You woke with tears stained on your cheeks. You were at the entrance of your home.
        "Are you okay? You were mumbling in your sleep. But then you started to cry," said Jack.
        "I'm fine."
        "Okay, but you better get something to eat."
        "Alright. You don't need to baby me."
        "But you are fragile like a delicate flower."
        "No, stop," you said quietly. Your hand was still over your mouth, while you were sleeping.
        You were put down and you walked in and said, "Don't touch anything or Kid might kill you, no joke. He almost did just because I bumped into one of the paintings on the walls. But I'll be making dinner in a little while. You are welcome to stay. But I would like to show you guys the places in this house that you guys will love. I don't let Kid clean them because they are just going to get messy again. So please won't you follow me? Also feel free to barrow or use any of these things. Maka, you like books, right?"
        "Yes," she said suspiciously.
        "Well, here is my library," you said opening to a big room full of books. "I've read most of them, but feel free to barrow them at free will. Come boys, I have something to show you. And Maka feel free to come find us." You walked to the end of the hall and you opened the doors to a gym with basketball hoops and many more things in the storage room. "You boys may use this room when ever you like. This is the only place I can truly do sports in, so please be nice to it. But have fun." You turned and you didn't know what to do with Tsubaki. "Well, you are free to do whatever pleases you."
        "Oh, no I couldn't just go around your house like that," she said.
        "Well, do you want to help me with dinner, then?"
        "Sure," she said smiling.
        You walked to the kitchen and gave her plates and sliver wear to put out on the table as you started making dinner. You made enough food to feed a small army, in like an hour or so with Tsubaki's help of course. You had her go get Maka, Soul, and Black Star. While, you went and got Kid, Liz, Patty, and Jack. You never could really eat the food you made or any in the matter. It all tasted grey to you. You always stayed in the kitchen and drank your cranberry juice. You could only handle that and water. That was horrible because everything smelled so good to you.
        You had a disgusting secret that only Kid knew. You hope that they would never find out. You were good at hiding everything and that was a great thing. You would make dinner but disappear into the kitchen or your bedroom. You could have the sun on your skin in there because you had all these symbols that keeps the sun from burning you. Even though it drives Kid mad, he just deals with it when he goes in to talk to you, which is always nice.
        Everyone sat at the table and you brought everything out. "Thank you for the help," you said to Tsubaki.
        "No problem, it was fun."
        "Please, dig in and desert will be come up next."
        "Wait, you're not eating with us?" asked Maka.
        "I'm afraid not. I have my own meal that I have to eat. I can't eat this because it upsets my stomach. So please eat." You left and started with desert. By the time you were done, you looked and saw that they had finished. You went out and started to take things off the table and started to set the deserts in front of each of them.
        "So how was dinner?" you asked smiling.
        "That's the first time in a long time you smiled like that, Little," stated Kid. "But in other words dinner was perfect like always."
        "It was so very flavorful," said Soul.
        "It was great. Is it a family recipe?" said Maka
        "No, actually that is my own recipe."
        "THAT'S THE BEST FOOD I'VE EVER HAD! YAHOOOOO!" said Black Star.
        "I'm glade you like it."
        After, they finished the desert, they all thought that you were a great cook. But they had to leave and so you walked them out. You said your good byes and turned in for the night.

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