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        You walked with the man. Till you reached a strange place that looked like your old home. The castle was worn and ugly. It was not how you remembered it was very unpleasant. You held your sleeves of your sweater closer to your chest. He had taken your bags when you were outside of the house and left it on the front door saying you wouldn't need it. You started to feel the wave of anxiety come over you.
        You closed your eyes as you ascended the stairs to the palace. You had a gut feeling that things would become worse while you were here. I wish that I didn't have a soul. So that I didn't care or feel. Then this situation wouldn't be as bad as it seems. But this is awful. I can't stand being here with this creep. You thought in a defeat. You felt that there was no one out there to save you. You heart felt heavy in your chest as you thought of the pink haired boy. You couldn't stand this place. You almost died he yourself, when your father came and killed your mother. You never did fined the reason for the killing of your mother.

Lord Death's POV.
        "Spirit, it's time for you to take a visit back at the castle."
        "But sir, that's absurd. You can't even get there who will be the one to wield me as a Death Scythe."
        "But my little girl is out there with that vermin of a man. She will be forced into loving him. She is just a little girl. Imagine if it was your child you would want to go out and save her. You will also be going with Stein."
        "No!!! Anyone but him!!!"
        "I'm here what do you need?" said a mono-toned voice.
        "I want you to take Spirit and go with Kid and his friends to save Little from the vampires."
        "Right away," he said and walked out with Spirit walking sluggishly out the Death Room.
        I hope that Little is alright. I just wish I could have kept her safer. She's my little girl. I never realized that she is my precious daughter. I hope she can forgive me for almost killing her, when she was younger. She's still my daughter.
        It was the day that I dreaded. The day where I have to end my beloved wife's life and our only daughter's. She is the only thing that I wish to not end, but my daughter has a light that I wish to see forever.
        But my wife is the vampire queen and my daughter the princess. I don't want to do this but I have too. To keep the humans safe from all the death that vampires cause.
       I went with Spirit to the castle to kill my wife and daughter. I don't think that was a way that I could think of to keep them safe. Little is an angel, but a damned demon because of how she'll end up in the end of the night. She will become a soul less demon and kill without even thinking about what she's done. I just hope that in the end I won't have to kill her. My little girl could have a bright future if she were to live in Death City. Then she could have the potential to live a normal life with Kid, but she's still a blood sucker.
        We made it to the palace and made our way to the room to were my wife is. She looked at me. In her eyes I could see that she knew that this day was to come. Her final words were, "Keep Little safe. There's someone after her and the throne." I then killed her and Spirit ate her soul. I felt a wave of sadness as her soul and beauty was gone. She was never going to be seen again. I never would see her and hear her beautiful voice again. She was just killing to many people to make it okay in the world.
        Why would someone try to hurt my darling daughter? Besides myself to keep people safe. We looked around the castle and finally found them in a tower. Little was smiling and looking for her brother. But when she saw me she freaked out and she called for her brother. He was about to run into the scythe that was in my hands. She grabbed him and held him away from the blade that was pointed at her.
        He ran to me with a grin. It broke my heart to see the fear she held in her eyes. I couldn't do it I wouldn't allow myself to do this to my little girl. She is so special to me and I can tell that her and Kiddo are best friends. But I can't the look on her face says it all. She thinks I'm a monster. I moved the scythe away from her and she slowly made her way to me with fear. But I made a promise that I would never ever try to hurt my little girl again. She is going to be queen and make peace with the two worlds. Except that's what my wife and I tried to do that, but I think our children will be the ones to make our worlds come together. They will make the world a better place.

Death the Kid's POV.
         We were looking for Little as she had left us that night or when ever. But symmetry is so much more important than anything that I could do without Little. She is the only one that can keep the desire to make everything symmetrical. I have to find her. That man cannot do anything to Little that will make her fall in love with him.
        "Come on, we have to hurry. Before anything happens to Little. It won't be any good if she has to drink that man's blood. He's a power hungry man. He wants the throne to the kingdom. He is going to get it either way he can. He's going to take Little's power to have control over her body and mind. That won't be good for us," I said to the group.

Little's (your) POV.
        You were in the room that was your mother's, you got fitted into a dress that was a beautiful shade a midnight blue. You took in a heavy breath. You felt your whole world shatter from all this pain that happened to you this day. Why do I feel the need to protect everyone around me? You couldn't feel a thing except the numbness that is everywhere in your body. You felt that there was no point in showing any feeling of happiness.
        You looked at your small body and could only feel sadness. You don't think anyone will ever understand the pain of leaving the ones I love behind, especially, him... You just looked at nothing that was in your heart. You could just feel that there was a hole for everyone that you cared for and you would never see them again. You healed in my breath as you were to enter the room. You closed your eyes. You wouldn't cry in front of these vile creatures. They are lower than you are. You would become there queen. You had hope that your brother would come to save you and kill this vampire that just wants the throne. He is nothing but a low life that just wants to have a higher rank in the social static. You weren't to thrilled with having to drink this man's blood and becoming his mate.
        The only way for you to get out of this is if someone killed him and if her had a soul at it. I don't give a damn to what happens to this disgrace of a vampire. I hope he burns in hell, where he belongs. You would be glad to kill him yourself but that would be un-lady like. Not that you care you actually roll your eyes when ever someone said that to you. You hate being a princess at times and the prince, your bother, is going to roll with you. You plan to keep that promise to your mother.
        She wanted you two to rule together so that the places could be in peace. She knew that you would rule with a kind heart and spread happiness and make the worlds better than before. She was wise for how young she was. She also knew you had a wise old soul in you and a very creative one and you would only smile at her and your brother. You would show no fear. You decided that now was not the time to show weakness to the vampires and be brave . It was the time to be his damned mate. You would rather be stabbed in the heart with a stack. Not like it can kill you. You are a hybrid.
        Time is slowly ticking as you drink his blood. The good thing is that he doesn't know that both parties have to drink each other's blood to make the bond stronger and they have to actually love each their. So this is more of a puppet show for this lunatic of a man. You just don't want anything to happen to the people in Death City. The boy...

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