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        "Hey, are you okay?"
        "I'm fine, thank you," you stated with a cold shoulder.
​​​​​​        "I'm sorry, I didn't see you."
        "Obviously," you said crossing your arms over your chest.
        "Oh, it's you," he said perking up. "What's your name? I don't think you told me the other day."
        "I don't have to tell you anything."
        "Oh, little miss snotty."
        "How dare you?!?!" you stated sternly without raising your voice one inch.
        "You can at least give me a name or I'll tell everyone your little secret."
        "You are so ignorant. You have no manners. You would black mail someone just for their name. Why don't you go ask someone at the DWMA." You picked up your parasol and left Hiro there stunned at how lady like you were.
        You looked at the ground mad that you couldn't get a break from anyone. You sighed heavily. Why can't anyone just leave me alone for just a day? Why do they have to bother me 24/7? You thought to yourself.
        You could only get a minute to yourself not even that. You were always making sure that everything was okay for everyone and keeping them safer than yourself. You could just disappear for a while. You could just be gone forever and never have to bother another soul with your presence. But that would break everyone's hearts. Why is everything so frustrating? Why can't I just disappear and never see them again? Why can't I just make people's lives easier? But what am I saying. They all would ball their eyes out. You sigh in frustration to yourself. You couldn't possibly do anything like that.
        "LITTLE, THERE YOU ARE!!! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU," yelled Black Star.
        "What?" you were now pissed at how everyone could easily find you.
        "I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD HELP ME. SINCE, YOU ARE A GIRL AND ALL," he said scratching the back of his neck.
        "On one condition, you lower your voice to an inside voice and not yell when I'm around ever," you said through your sleeve.
        "I CAN TRY."
        "THIS." His voice gradually got lower to were he was talking like a normal person.
        "Okay, so what is the girl like?"
        "Well, she is very beautiful. She is almost at the same level of awesomeness as me. But she hides like you."
        "I don't think she likes me though. She is just the most best person I've ever met."
        "She sounds like something."
        "Oh, but she is like an angel. Her personality is sweet, caring, and she does this thing that makes my heart stop."
        "Well, it sounds like you're in love."
        "Okay, so how do I talk to her?"
        "Well you could find out what she likes, and other things that she's interested in."
        "Thank you."
        "No problem, I guess."
        "BYE, LITTLE." yelled Black Star. You just sigh heavily at is actions as he dashed off.
        You walked off to go find the park. You went for a walk so you could clear your mind of everything that had happened that day and every other day. You sighed heavily. You could not get a moment alone today. So park was the best guess you had. You weren't sure if anyone was going to find you. You were kind of concerned that they would find you.
        You didn't see anyone that would annoy you. You sat down on the nearby bench in the middle of the park. The peaceful quiet was all you needed to clear your mind of all the negative thoughts that we're going through you're head. Side in deep thought.
        "L-Little?" asked a studdering voice.
        "Yes?" you asked, turning around. But what you saw shocked to the most surprised. It was your favorite pink haired boy. He wanted to ask you something. You could see it in his eyes. You smiled so sweetly him and he blushed.
        "Can I asked you a question?"
        "Go ahead," you said smiling and gesturing for him to sit next to you.
        He did and turned to face you. "D-Do y-you h-have a-a c-crush o-on a-anyone?"
        You blushed and shock your head in 'no'.
        You giggled at this reaction to the question. You smiled at the blush that dusted his cheeks. You didn't want anyone to know of your deep love for the person you liked. For you knew that if you did you would be dead. Your dear brother would probably just try and kill him. You sighed out heavily and looked down embarrassed.
        "Hmm?" you hummed in response.
        "Do you..." He cut himself off and said, "Never-mind."
        "Okay?" you asked in response. You two stayed silent for the time being. You soon decided that it would be better to part ways and you left a confused Crona behind as you walked back home for the time being.

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