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        You were still awake trying to sleep. But it was impossible. You sat up and changed to go out for a midnight walk. You checked to make sure that everyone was asleep. In which, they all were. You thought, Of course they are. It's midnight. You felt really stupid. You quickly went out the door. You let go of the breath, that you didn't even know that you were holding in. You walked the lonely streets.
        You quietly hummed to yourself. You were walking without your parasol. Which was a relief. You walked with your hands behind your back. You had no intention of putting your sleeve in front of your mouth any time soon. You only did that with people. You smiled to yourself as you could see the moon. You could only just stare. You hadn't realized that you stopped till you heard a shy but male voice.
        "You know that it's not safe to be alone in the dark with no one around?"
        "So what? I can take care of myself," you snapped and put your sleeve over your mouth. You saw a skinny boy, just like yourself. He had a dress? He was holding a weapon in his hand. His eyes were dark and his skin was pale but darker than yours. His hair was a white pink color. He held a black sword in his right hand, while holding the arm with his other hand.
        "I want her soul!" yelled the hungry sword.
        "But I don't know how to deal with girls," whined the boy.
        "Go get her soul," demanded the sword.
        "Alright," said the boy letting the sword do most of the work. "Ragnaroke, scream residence." That's when the sword screamed but you just blocked the attacks.
        "Hold still."
        "No, but you look like a good meal," you said going straight for his neck.
        "What!?" he was getting freaked. You managed to dodge all the attacks. You dug your teeth into his neck but didn't reach the blood vessels. You hurt your teeth.
        "Ow," you whined letting go. "That hurt." You looked down at the ground. "I want to go home," you started to whine. You fell to the ground. You were so hungry. You felt your body giving up on you. You had nothing left to lose.
        "Ragnaroke, what's going on?" The sword turned to a person on the boy's back.
        "Why wouldn't you kill her?" asked the supposed Ragnaroke angrily. He was starting to punch the boy. You slowly lifted yourself up.
        "Ow, stop that!" cried the boy.
        "Stop! Don't be rude!" you yelled at the black creature.
        "No, this is my punching bag."
        "That is so mean. You need to be nicer to people."
        "Why? Skin and bones."
        "I can't help that!" you yelled feeling tears.
        "Huh, now there's two. I'm leaving," with that it went into the boy's back.
        "I'm sorry that he's mean to you."
        "I-It's f-fine," said the boy.
        "I'm Little Death."
        "I'm C-Crona." You smiled a shy smile. You started to put your sleeve in front of your mouth. "S-Stop." You looked at him puzzled. "Y-You h-have a pretty smile," he said starting to stop studdering.
        "Thank you," but you still put your sleeve over your mouth. "I must go. Do you have a place to stay for the night?"
        "You can crash at my place for the night. If you want."
        "Thank you."
        "Come on," you said grabbing his wrist. You dragged him to your house. "Do you want something to eat?"
         When you made it to your house. You swung open the door.
        "Come on in," you said walking to the kitchen. "Does your friend want anything?"
        "What do you want? Pipe squeak."
        "Do you want something to eat?"
        "Okay, two meals coming up." You clapped your hands together.
        "What is skin and bones smiling about?"
        "Hey, don't be rude or you won't get desert." You warned. You quickly made a hot meal for the two.
        "More," said Ragnaroke, stuffing his face. You giggled.
        "Do you like it, Crona?"
        "This is the best food I've ever had," he said smiling.
        "Thank you. I made it from my own recipe. I have candy, if you want that instead."
        "Give me," said Ragnaroke holding out his hand.
        "Not right now. Crona?"
        "No, thank you. I would like to try the desert that you're going to make."
        "Okay," you smiled.
        "Little?" asked Jack.
        "Go to bed!" he yelled. "Even though you're half vampire, go to bed."
        You bit your lip. "Umm..." You didn't know how to answer the boy. You looked down at the ground. You were about to cry. You hated people knowing your little secret. You frowned at the ground.
        "Is skin and bones going to cry?"
        "I don't know how to deal with this," said the boy.
        "Skin and bones, cry like a little cry baby," said Ragnaroke laughing. You felt your eyes water, but you were trying to hold them back. Your cheeks were becoming red because you were holding your breath without realizing it. But you broke and cried. You were so silent, that he didn't even notice that you were crying. You could feel his eyes watching you.
        "Skin and bones, you crying?"
        "Stop!" you quietly yelled. "My name is Little!"
        "Oh, because you a pip squeak." You broke down and sat on the floor on the opposite side of the island. You hugged your knees, while hiding your face.
        "P-Please, don't c-cry. I don't know how to deal with this," said Crona. You just stayed quiet.
        "Aren't you scared of me?"
        "Why?" he asked sitting down next to you.
        "Because I could kill you."
        "N-No. But I don't know how to deal with girls."
        "You can leave, if you want too."
        "No. I want to help you," he said without a studder. You leaned your head on his shoulder.
        You quickly changed the subject and said, "Do you want a room to yourself?"
        "N-No, I-I'm s-scared t-that I-I m-might b-be d-discovered. I-I d-don't want y-you t-to g-get i-in t-trouble. I-I'll j-just l-leave," he said with fear in his voice.
        "Don't be silly. You can have a room. There are more than enough."
        "N-No, I-I r-really s-should b-be g-going. S-She'll b-be m-mad a-at u-us," now he was talking to himself or to Ragnaroke, you couldn't tell.
        "Alright, I'll walk you to the door." You said good-bye to him and waved him off. You slowly walked to your bedroom and flopped down on your bed and fell instantly asleep.
        You dreamed of Crona that night. His sweet smile. His kind voice. The way his skin was soft to the touch. You could feel everything that was happening. But all of a sudden everything went black and you were screaming into the dark crying out his name. You received no answer. Then you called for the others, still nothing. You screamed at the top of your lungs for someone to answer. But you were forever alone in the dark. It scared you to death. You didn't want to be alone. You were frightened by the thought. You really didn't want Kid gone. He was your best friend, also you didn't want Crona gone. He was everything that you could ever have to have someone really understand you. You missed them the most. Kid was the only one that protected you in life. You fell and cried as everything had happened to fast.
        You woke with tears in your eyes. You quickly whipped them away. You did everything that you normally did. You scared Kid into waking up. You made breakfast and drank from Kid's wrist. You stopped when you thought you had enough. You left while dragging Kid out. You had your parasol in hand and left for the DWMA. You enter way more quiet then anyone. You went to your class and was like a ghost for the rest of the day. You knew Professor Stein would call on you the most. Since, you never really payed attention to what he was teaching. You answered the questions perfectly. You had the most bland, mono toned voice of boredom, that was clearly heard in your voice.
        You stated to doodle something and without realizing it you had drawn Crona with his smiling face. You sighed and got a new sheet of paper and draw Professor Stein in the most realistic way possible and wrote 'blah blah blah' as to show he has nothing important to say to you. You changed the sheet and draw Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty, Jack, and yourself. They stud in a way that make it look like it was a real photograph. You smiled to yourself as you finished. But you had a shadow lean over your lighting. You looked up and saw Professor Stein
        "You're not paying attention. So I'll be showing the class what you are doing."
        "I already know what you're talking about Franken," you said glaring at him.
        "Ha, still, I'm going to show the class."
        "Whatever," you said crossing your arms and pouting.
        "Alright, class this is what happens, when you don't pay attention to the lesson. I will show the class what this girl was doing." He showed the class your drawing of you and your friends.
        "WHO TOOK A PHOTO OF ME!?" yelled Black Star.
        "This is a drawing."
        "Wow, that' really cool," said Soul.
        "Who draw it?" asked Maka.
        "Little," stated Stein. Everyone started at you and you were starting to squirm around from all of the attention. You quickly stud up and ran down and snatched the notebook and ran out into the hall. You sighed relieved that you were out of the class room. There was to much tension for you to stand. You couldn't stand the attention that was in the room. You sat outside the class room with the notebook in hand. You had many drawings that would go into and art show if you could stand the attention. You hugged your knees to your chest and put your head on your knees. You sat there motionless.
        "What are you doing out of class?" asked a familiar voice. You looked up to see Spirt, Maka's dad. "Oh, Little. How have you been? You've grown a lot. Since, I last saw you."
        "I'm fine. I just needed some air," you stated quickly coming up with a fast excuse.
        "Oh, Lord Death wants to see you. Just you."
        "He didn't give me details. Just told me to get you."
        "Okay, thanks," you said getting up. You quickly got up and ran off into the Death room.
        "Father?" you stated quietly.
        "Come in. We need to talk."
        "About what?"
        "The demon sword and his mister. He has been spotted in Death city. He was taking human souls."
        "What does this have to do with me?"
        "You were the last one to see him in the streets and some of the people said. You had fought and then the lights all went out and you had knocked him out as some say. Others say you ran off. I need to know if you were out last night."
        "Was but I never saw a demon sword. I just saw a boy and he left. After, we talked for a while and that is it."
        "Oh, well then get back to class and give your pa a hug."
        "I don't feel like it. I just want to get back," you stated and headed back to the class room. You sat for the rest of the day wondering who the demon sword was and this meister. They could just be some frightened kids, not knowing any better.
         You just then though, what if Crona's the demon sword  meister? You couldn't bear the thought the little sweet, shy Crona could be the meister of such an awful thing like that. He was to kind to do such a thing.
          "Hey, Little," called Maka.
          "Oh, coming!" you yelled back. You were so lost in thought that you hadn't noticed the bell ring for the end of the day.

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