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Day One
        I can't believe I agreed to this. But I have to go through with it so no one gets hurt.
        "Little, you okay?"
        "Yeah, just fine," you said smiling.
        "HEY, LITTLE!!!" yelled Black Star.
        "Hi," you said to him as he was always loud, but then again you just had sensitive hearing.
        "Would you want to go out on a date with me?" he said in a surprisingly lower voice. You had wide eyes at how quiet he was. I would love too, but I can't for two reasons, one is that I'm leaving and two is I care for someone else. But you couldn't say that it would be weird. You only pictured him as a friend it was just one of those things.

Black Star's POV.
        I hope she doesn't reject me. I watch as she uses her umbrella thing to hide her face from my view. "Black Star, I would love too, but I can't. It's just that I only see you as a friend and I would rather not ruin this friendship that we have and anyways I think someone else likes you."
        Damn, I got put in the friend zone. But I the Great Black Star will get the girl of his dreams. For I will surpass God himself.
        "And you know that I have to be careful with who I fall in love with because I still have to find my mate."
        "Who is this mate of yours to be?"
        "I don't know, I just have to be careful." Her voice still sounded like bell to me. The rung all day and every time she talked.

No One's POV.
        What Little didn't know was that she had found her mate. He was a sweet boy. The one that she would think of that is. He thought of her too. She would need a little budge to get going.
Day Two
        You and everyone decided to have a sleep over tonight. You were amazed at all the foods that everyone has brought. They were mostly snacks so you still had to prepare dinner for the night, but instead of doing one dish. You decided to do a buffet tip of thing. You just had to wait to eat, which you didn't mind all that much. Maka, Tsubaki, and Liz helped you in the kitchen.
        "Hey Little?"
        "I was reading a book on vampires and did you know that their souls can make an ultimate Death Scythe?"
        "Really, Maka their souls can make a powerful Death Scythe?" asked Liz amazed.
        "Yeah, but they're super rare. I mean that they..."
        "Loss their souls after about a hundred years of living, and until they loss their souls they are forced into hiding," you said blandly. "Your father is one of the most powerful Death Scythes out there. You know why, he and my father killed my mother and Spirit ate her soul. She was only 27 years of age. So she became the ruler, after her mother and father passed away. She was the only known rule to rule with a soul," you said holding no emotion in your eyes.
        "I didn't know, I'm sorry."
        "No, it's fine really. She was a kind and caring mother. It's just our father wanted me gone, but here I am alive and breathing for the most part," you said trying to hold a cheery smile to your face.
        "Wow, you really know how to bring people down, Little," said Soul as he walked in.
        "I don't know, when ever someone finds out that vampires are real they look them up and it's just something I had to memories as I was growing up at the castle."
        "Castle!? You never told us about a castle," said Soul.
        "Oh, well, my bad," you said smiling sheepishly. "I guess Kid hasn't told you, yet. Well when we were living in the castle he was a big scaredy cat. But we had each other's backs so we were perfectly safe."
        "Hey, did you all make this food for the party?"
        "Yeah, from the last time Black Star was here, he ate most of the food in the house. So I thought better safe than sorry," you said sighing at the end.
Soul's Pov.
        "Hey, Maka," I whispered to her.
        "What Soul?" she asked agitated at my pestering.
        "Does Little seem weirder than she normally is? She's doing more and hanging out with everyone and this party seem strange. Don't you think?"
        "Now that I think about it, yeah, she has been acting weird. She even had Kid have this party. But he doesn't even know what's gotten over her. Why is she this way?" I pondered for a moment and couldn't think of anything and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Soul, keep a close eye on her and I'll do the same. I think something happened to her when her and Kid where connecting souls."
        "Alright, even though spying is uncool. But I'll make sure that she's okay," I said leaving to the living room. Patty was playing a game with Black Star, while Kid and Jack were just talking. I thought it would be okay if I asked a couple of question.
        "Yeah, that's what I thought," said Jack.
        "Am I interrupting something?" I asked.
        "No," said Kid.
        "I have a few question to ask concerning Little. She's been acting strange since yesterday. Do you know what's going on?"
        "Maybe she didn't get enough blood in her system, but I swear that I've been giving her blood."
        "That's not what I meant. I mean she's been externally... I don't know how to describe it. She's just being different," I said trying to explain the situation to them.
        "Yeah, she's been really off, since the incident the other day. Some thing might have happened. I can't be sure till I look into her soul."
        That's it, some thing went down while she was in that state. What would you call that? Well some thing definitely happened to her when she was in that state.
        "We should keep a close eye on her. I have a bad feeling that some thing will happen to her if we leave her alone," said Kid.
        "Alright," Jack and I said at the same time.
        "FOOD'S READY!!!" Little yelled and the girl's came out with plates of yummy looking food. I went over to the food and had a bite of the brownies. Holly shit, this is amazing.
        "This is really good," I said smiling.
        "Really?" asked Little.
        "Good, they're Tsubaki's recipe but I tweaked it a bite just, but that's it."
        "Where'd Black Star go?" Tsubaki cried with horror.
        "YAHOOO!!! I'M BLACK STAR THE GREAT ASSASSIN!!!!" he yelled from the light fixtures. That idiot.
        "Black Star, get down, before you hurt yourself," Tsubaki yelled panic in her voice.
        Little tapped her foot impatiently. That she never did. "Black Star get down this instant. Before I have to come and get you myself. If I have to do it. It's not going to be pretty," Little stated in a threatening voice. But reluctantly Black Star got down. What's going on with Little? Was all I could think about.
~Time Skip~
        "Hey, let's play a game!" cheered Patty.
        "Like what?" asked Liz.
        "Hide and Seek!" cried the younger one.
        "I'd prefer not too," said Little in a small voice that was normal for her. "Can we just watch a movie?"
        "I wouldn't mind that," I said not very fond of that game, it was creepy and uncool.
        "What movie?" ask Maka.
        "I don't care," said Little. For the rest of the evening we all just watched movies of all different generes
        "Hey, Little I found your favorite Corpse Bride," said Kid. She watch and said the sentences before the person did. It was funny how they reacted to it. She would giggle at the dirty looks they would give her.
        After, the movies, we started to tell ghost stories. All of them were pretty lamb, even mine. They passed the light to Little and she grinned a cheser grin.
        "Now what I'm about to tell you all. It happen before on this very night of this exact day. On a night just like this with friends gathered around. They too were telling ghost stories. But they had scared the living day light out of each other, but the last was the worst. For he had is light to keep what hide in the dark at bay. His story was told and he turned his light off to only hear shuffling of a bush. Then when he turned the light on and looked at his friends one was gone with only on limb left behind. His severed hand that held the flash light. Then the boy say his friend cowering away from him. He turned around as slowly as possible and was face to face with the blooded creature. He moved away to only find the rest of his friends gone with blood and guts strung all over the place. The blood trailed further into the woods. He followed the bloody trail of his dead mates," she paused and everyone was cowering away from her story.
        "At the end of the trail, he found his friends bodies hanging along a tree. Bloody faced and horror stricken by the beast that roamed the woods. He's blood went cold and he backed away to only hit the chest of the beast. A man with pointed ears and baring fangs. The boy ran as fast as he could. The creature following closly behind. It grabbed his ankle, pulling the boy back. The rustle of bushes came again and what stepped out was a beautiful woman painted in red. She watched the boy with prying eyes that shot him cold through the heart. She was of the night. He looked at her with pleading eyes. She had piercing red eyes and blood painted on her body. She wore nothing but the blood. Her eyes looked red and full of hunger."
        "'My dear, dinner,' said the beast. She grinned wickedly. Her sharp teeth showing and glistening in the moon lite night. The boy panicked, his thoughts were that this is the last. Good-bye my family, friends, and hello after life and the dead family that is there. But the blow was never made. Instead, the women had him in her arms carrying him somewhere. Her eyes blazing and lust evidence in them, but some thing breathed out and stays in her eyes. 'You smell delicious' she said in a hypnotic voice. He froze in fear. She smirked down at him. She was a beautiful creature. She took him to a cave and keep him there. He hide in corners and she would find him and he would run away from her. She soon get to hungry, she lashed out on him. She drained his blood and ripped open his chest cavity and she pulled all his organs out. She starnge them up on the walls and smiled at his horrorifid face. She still lerks in the woods this very day starving and waiting for her victims and they scream and scares them to the point that they die. She holds her victims, till the point she kills them in the most gruesome way," Little finished and shut of the flash light. (Picture at top is of the vampire in the woods.)
        A gust of wind went by and a dark laugh echoed throughout the house and said, "Princess, time is ticking and lives are going to end, if you don't hurry there will be consciences. You will leaving in the morning." We all screamed.
        She flashed the light on and whipped it around, but nothing was there. "Little, calm down," said Kid.
        She stud and screamed. She fell back down to her knees. No tears came out of her golden, yellow eyes. Fear was evident in her eyes as she recoiled from Kid's touch. "Someone get the lights," said Kid in a worried voice. I stud and got the lights. Little was shaking, scared. Kid came over to her and converted her. She hugged him, while he held her close and she rested her head on his shoulder. She seams off, but what could it be? She stays on the floor with Kid.
        Liz, Patty, and Jack joined in on a group hug. She was quiet and she fell asleep. We all fell asleep. Little moved away from Kid and I moved over to her. She rested head head on my shoulder.
        "Soul?" she asked in a hushed voice.
        "What would life be like if I just disappeared?"
        "What!? I can't imagine that happening. You're an important person to everyone in this room. You help keep Black Star in order and you have great friends. You have everything that anyone would want. You are the best thing that could ever happened to us."
        "Oh," she said looking away from where ever it was. Then looked up at me and sighed heavily. The moon light shined onto her face and she looked as beautiful as the winter weather that was shining in the night. She soon fell asleep and I feel asleep too. We were sitting up against the wall and my head fell on top of hers.
Day Three

Normal POV.
        You woke up the next morning, just right before the sun rose above the horizon. You walked up to your bedroom and grabbed your suit case and started to pack. You pulled your sweaters out and your clothing. You sighed heavily and went to find a pen and a sheet of paper. You wrote a note that said:
        Dear Everyone,
                I won't be here when you awaken. I will be long gone. I will not be anywhere for you to find. I am only doing this so that all the ones that I love and care for. So please be careful while I'm gone.
                                                                                                                        Love your loving sister and friend,
                                                                                                                                                                          Little Death
        You wrote in frilly cursive letters. You set the note down on the couch for Kid or Jack to see it. You walked out of the door as you looked behind you with a sad look in your eyes. You really don't want to leave but you have too. To keep them all safe. You looked over their sleeping forms and shed one tear as you closed the door and left the house and everyone behind.
        The sun was starting to peck out and you put up your parasol. You walked and walked till someone stopped you. You turned and a man with a greedy smile that was full of lust. "Are you finally ready to go with us?" You looked down with a sad look and nodded. You left with the man and continued to look down at the ground.

Death the Kid's POV.
        I woke and found a letter. I read it over and my jaw dropped. "Everyone, wake up!" I shouted.
        "What's going on, Kid?" yawned Liz.
        "Little's gone. This is why she's been acting strange and distant the passed few days," I said panic evident in my voice. She's my little sister, I'm supposed to protect her, not the other way around.
        "What do you mean she's gone? I'm her weapon, shouldn't I be the one to be with her at all costs. I'm supposed to protect her," said Jack. I couldn't believe she left. She would never do that to me. She's the only person that can understand me and I her.
        "Little left? Why?" asked Maka.
        "She doesn't want something to happen to us, but she didn't say what."
        "Where could she have gone?" asked Soul.
        "I don't know. She can only do what she can with out someone finding out," I said. "She also wishes to become stronger. She also wishes to protect the people she loves. She has to kind of a heart to let things to happen to people."
        "Well, this is uncool. So let's make it cool and find her," said Soul.
        "YAHOO, LET'S GO FIND LITTLE!!!" yelled Black Star.
        "Yes, she needs us. So let's go find her. She needs us," said Maka with a determined look in her eyes. We gathered all the necessary things that are  needed for us to travel.
        "42-42-564, whenever you want to go knock at Death's door," I said calling my father.
        "Wuzz up, Kiddo?"
        "Father, Little's run away and we are going after her; Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Jack, and myself."
        He sighed and said in his goofy voice, but serious all at the same time, " Go find her. She cannot be alone at this time. The vampires are after her and I think she went with them. She cannot be with them. There leader is ruthless and will do anything to be king of the vampires. He will even make my Little drink his blood to make her his mate. But if that happens one of you will have kill the man, so that she won't have to be his mate."
        "Yes, father," with that said, we said our good-byes and I was off to save Little.

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