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You woke the next morning starving. Your stomach growled at you. You huffed out a sigh and got up. You took a long, hot shower. You just wanted to get the day over with. There came a loud crash from outside your bedroom door. You jumped out and rapped a towel around your body. You stepped out of the bathroom into your room. You sighed and opened the door to a cat and Soul on the floor with a bloody noise. You sighed heavily and looked the other direction. You let the cat into your room and you nudged Soul with your bare feet.
You were dripping wet. So you pulled your hair and let the water drip onto his face. He jerked right up and you walked back into your room. Then came a knock.
"What?" you asked towards the door getting ready to change. You were just looking for your yellow hoodie.
"Is there a cat in there?" asked Soul's muffled voice.
"Can I have her?"
"Yeah, just a minute," you called and put on your undergarments and clothing. Your skirt was still black and the shirt white. Then you reached your hand to your closet door. The sun was pouring in and your hand started to burn. You screamed in pain. The door swung open. You looked at your window and the symbol was gone. You yelled, "WHO THE HELL WAS IN MY ROOM!?!?"
"You need to calm down. I just cleaned your window off," said the little cat.
You were getting really mad. Your eyes flared and changed to red. She stepped back and said, "Well, I didn't know there was a little vampire here." She was now smirking at you. You watched as she became a person.
"Blair, you really can't be in here," stated Soul.
"Why is that?"
"You knew I was this half blood of a royal line, a disgrace to the people?"
"Yeah, but the half blood thing, I didn't even know about."
"Oh," you said looking down at the ground. "Well, if you two don't mind can one of you go into my closet and get me my yellow hoodie please."
Soul headed over to your closet, "There's no yellow in here. There's every color but yellow."
"Oh," you said looking back down at the ground. You were sure that you had put all the yellows in your closet. That's when realization hit you hard. You forgot that you walked out in one and forgot your parasol and it burned up in flamed. Then the other Kid throw in a fire because he didn't care for the color on you. Then you said, "God damn it."
"What?" said Soul kind of startled. They both stared at you.
"I forgot they both caught fire."
"Oh, well you can barrow mine if you want," said Soul. He started pulling his jacket off and put it around your shoulders. You pulled your arms through the sleeves. It was so big on you that your hands were almost completely covered by them. You looked at the mirror and it was so big that you thought that you could pull your knees to your chest and pop your head in and you could disappear right into the jacket. You smiled at yourself and thought it funny how most things that normal people wear are always to big for you.
"Well, I guess it's a little big on you."
"It's fine," you turned and put on a smile that knocks all the guys dead. He almost fell to the floor with a hypnotic grin on his face.
You had to catch him before he fell and hit his head on the floor. You helped him stand straight and out to the dinning room. There was already food on the table and it wasn't yours. You were confused, but saw Maka smiling and you felt bad now that you couldn't eat it. You looked down and there was just a glass full of cranberry juice on the table. You felt worse. You didn't like to watch people eat in front of you. You loved the smell. But you preferred to dine alone for this reason.
You sighed heavily. You grabbed the juice and walked into the kitchen. Maka followed you and you turned to face here.
"You're not going to sit with us?"
"Because I get uncomfortable watching people eat."
"Oh, I didn't know."
"I know. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine," you said reassuring her.
"Okay," she said smiling. You set the glass down and watched Maka leave. You leaned on the counter and thought:
I wonder what would happen to everyone if I just left? They'd probable miss me. Kid would go nuts and start looking for me. But if I go to the vampire kingdom. I'd probably become the ruler or they'd kill me. But if they do that, Kid would go nuts. Corna... No, I can't do that to him. I-I just can't. He's to fragile to do that too. They both were. I just can't do that. I could never ever do that to them. I just can't. But what if I do. Then things would be different for everyone. They wouldn't have to worry about me and have to help me all the time. I would be less of a burden for them. I could never do that, though. Those two and everyone would freak out, but they would be a mess without me.
You sighed heavily at the thoughts and you could barely even think about this. You got up and chugged down your cranberry juice and started to clean the dishes that were left behind. Someone came in and you turned and saw Kid. You smiled and he looked at you.
"You ready to go?" he asked, just as Jack, Liz, and Patty came in.
"Yeah, I guess," you said shrugging.
"Where'd you get that?"
"The jacket."
"Oh, Soul is letting me borrow it," you said blandly.
"Why in the hell would you want to wear a big jacket?" he asked getting upset.
"I don't know," you answered growing quietly.
"Little, I just don't know what to do with you," as he said that they all left.
You stayed quiet.
"Little, take it off."
"Why?" you asked looking at the floor.
"Because I said so."
"You're not the boss of me!" you yelled like a child.
"Little, I will rip that off of you."
"How dare you!?" you yelled becoming a princess at some times like this.
"Little, take it off."
"NO!!!" you yelled. You ran off out of the kitchen and off into the live room and up into your bedroom.
How dare he! He needs to realize that I'm not a child anymore. I can do what I want, just like him. You sulked in your room for a while and thought about the way he still treats you like a small child.
It was Soul. You stayed silent and hugged yourself.
"Little, I know you're in there. Let me in."
"No," you said bluntly.
"No." But he opened the door because you had forgotten to lock it.
He sat by you on the floor at the foot of your bed. You held your legs and hide your face in your knees. "Little," he breathed out. "This is really uncool for me to do. But your brother is really worried about you. He just wants you to be safe and sound. He doesn't want you to get your heart broken by guys like me. He literally pointed his finger at me and with a crazed look in his eyes like I was a different person."
"That's Kid for you."
"This really not cool for this cool guy."
"What did he send you in here for?"
"He wants me to take the jacket back but I'm not going to till you come back. He says it's asymmetrical. But wear it till you come back because that's what cool guys do. But remember your brother cares for you. And you know that you're pretty cool. I don't say that about a lot of people."
"Well thanks Soul? You're a good friend. And I can't say that I've had a lot of friends in my life. But you are one of the best."
"Well you should get going. Your brother is waiting for you."
"Right," you said and hugged him, while you kissed is cheek. This caused is to get really red in the cheeks. You giggled and left to go with Kid. He stud there and slowly touched the check you kissed.
"Damn, she really is an angel that has fallen from the sky to be here on there Earth for some lucky guy."

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