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        You hurried down the hall like a ghost. Jack was running to catch up to you. You payed no mind to him. You just wanted to leave and go hide in a corner. Sometimes, you'd just sit in a dim room and write things that would only make sense to you and no one else. Even, Kid couldn't understand the things you wrote. You wrote many complex poems that only made scene to the people that could understand the twisted mind that you have. You could only think in a poem way. You never told a person. Kid was your brother so he does his snooping like any sibling, that anyone could have.
        "Little, wait for me!" yelled Jack.
        "Hey, look Little is running away!" yelled a boy you've never seen before. You just lowered your head and pulled up your hood and kept your sleeve over your mouth. You had a growing pain in your gums as you could hear every single heart beat. You ran to the darkest part of the school. There were thousands of places to hide. You had become the best person to hide and no one would like playing hide and seek with you, since you could some how blend with the shadows.
        You found yourself in a long hallway that was dark and cold. You could hear a faint heart beat coming from afar. You became curious to what was a head. You had lost Jack in a crowed of people. You were thankful that he wasn't here. You walked slowly to the ending of the long hall. You could feel madness. It was getting stronger, the closer you walked to the heart beat.
        You came to the end of the hall to pair of two tall, heavy looking doors. You put your hand on the door and slowly opened it. There was nothing but chains and a bag make of... Is that skin?... You walked over to it but something came into your path. You stopped and it was going to attack, but you payed no mind to it like it was just the dark playing games on your eyes.
        "H-Hello?" you asked. "I know you're in here. I can hear your heart beat." You got nothing but silence.
        "Are you scared?"
        "No, but you should be," said a male voice.
        "You could go insane here with me."
        "Well, I'm Little Death."
        He laughed and said, "So Lord Death had another child. Not only that but a girl with really go hearing."
        "Umm... What's your name?" you asked a little fear coming in.
        "I'm Asura."
        "Nice to meet you. But where are you?"
        "In the bag. Why don't you let me out and we can play a game."
        "Who put you in there?"
        "Lord Death."
        "I think father has a good reason for doing that. I know you're a kishin."
        "Brave girl."
        "You are Asura?"
        "Yes. Why?"
        "I swear I've heard that name before. But where?" He chuckled at you talking out loud to yourself.
        "You really aren't bright. I'm Lord Death's first born and you are the second."
        "There's another one?" he asked  spectacle of that.
        "Yeah, so?"
        "You should leave. Aren't you going mad?"
        "I'm already mad," you said messing around. "The best people are mad. But I will come back. Do you want anything next time?"
        "Weird girl. No. I'd prefer it if you would leave and never come back."
        "You really are stupid. I don't want a little girl to get hurt. A specially, since the girl is my younger sister."
        "What!?" you asked surprised. Your voice was small squeak.
        "I wish that you would leave."
        "Why are you being kind to me? I thought you were a kishin that could turn anyone mad."
        "I don't know. I guess, I've always wanted to have a younger sister."
        "Oh," you said as your stomach growled for food.
        "Go get some food and never come back. Get a fruit in there."
        "But... Never-mind. I'll go now."
        "Promise to never come back here."
        "Fine, I promise," you said sighing in defeat. You would never break a promise as long as it was for a good reason. You wanted to start running, but you didn't.
        "You better leave."
        "Okay," you said turning to leave the room. You closed the door behind you and walked back in the darkness. You really weren't ready to go back and face everyone, but you had too.
        I really don't want to go, you thought to yourself. I really don't want to hear them say a word to me. I just don't know how to react to it. I think, I'm lost.
        Then, you found yourself in the light and you were back in the halls of the DWMA. You looked down at the ground, not see the people's faces. You could feel many eyes on you. You kept your sleeve over your mouth. You weren't hungry, you told yourself. As for the heart beats, they were so loud. You wanted to just sink your teeth into their necks, where their major blood vessel was. But you knew better. You just walked in a really slow motion. The students were starting to head to class. But when the halls were bare.
        You just walked to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror. That was another thing that was different you could actually see yourself standing there, looking at your worn face and skin and bones body figure. That witch of a nurse was right. You should need help. The only good thing was that you could hurt someone with your elbow, if you needed a quick get away. You just sighed in sadness.
        You wanted to just go home. You didn't want to see anyone at the moment. You thought that your day was going to be great, but instead you got this day of pain and loneliness. You just wanted to just stay in a dark corner and hide from the world. But you left the restroom and went to class.
        Professor Stein was waiting for you to come. You just looked down at the ground for the rest of the time in class. You weren't even paying attention. Even though, you would get called on to answer questions, that you didn't even care about. You already knew all of the answers to all the question that he asked you.
        At the end of the day, you just headed home to were you just went to your room and didn't even come out to do anything. You didn't even make dinner for the night. You just wanted to be left alone.

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