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"I can't do this, Happy. Please just leave me alone." Natasha said as she pulled from his grip, her eyes closing as he pulled her back to him, his arms wrapped tightly around her as she once again felt conflicted.

"You know how I feel about you baby—from day one you got me hooked like a fuckin drug. I can't just leave you alone." He growled his normally gruff voice even deeper as he nuzzled his face against her neck.

Natasha had never been with a man, hell she had never even made out with a man and here she was in a man's arms feeling as if her entire body was on fire. Happy had been pursuing her since the first day she had begun working at the TellerMorrow shop, his persistence something she admired, but also feared. They shared a dark dirty secret, a secret kept her up most nights.

"I don't fit into this life with you, Happy. To be honest you still—frighten me." She said sincerely as she turned to face him, the look on his face telling her that he hadn't heard a single word she had said.

"I'm crazy for you baby. I can't walk away, not after all we shared." He smiled devilishly.

"You want me because I'm a virgin—I heard you and Tigs talking." Natasha said as she pushed from him and walked behind her desk, the blinds drawn and the shop empty. Happy pushed her gently against the wall, his hands on either side of her head to prevent her from moving. If not for her heels she would have been short enough to duck under him, but sadly she chose to wear the tall shoes today.

"I don't want you just cause you're a fuckin virgin, it's a bonus, but I want you cause from the first fuckin moment I saw you—it was like BOOM. You lit a fire inside me that I had never fuckin felt, a fire that's burning so hard for you right now." He groaned as he moved his body closer to hers.

"Happy—Oh my word." She said as she felt his hardened member through his jeans. Her hands against the wall as her cheeks grew hot and pink. Her body tensed as he ran his calloused thumb over her soft pink lips, her eyes closing as she took in the moment. He was the only man to ever touch, the only man she ever let touch her.

"I'm not a gentle man, but with you—it comes natural." He admitted as he moved his hips back, watching how uncomfortable it was making her.

"You don't need me to feel better about yourself. Leave me alone." She said as he pushed past him and walked from the office, her hand running through her hair as she walked quickly towards the clubhouse, her dorm the only place she could get her nerves and thoughts together.

She looked back at the office, watching as Happy stepped out , his gaze not changing as she continued to lock eyes with him. Natasha had tried to deny how she felt, and tried to push the thoughts of him from her mind, but nothing had worked.

"Lord, give me strength."

Virtuous//Happy Lowman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now