Chapter Six:A Cruel World

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Natasha awoke with the sound of the door closing, and a note on the pillow from Happy telling her he would be back later that night. Natasha showered and dressed, her mind still spinning from the night before.

She knew that it was going to be hard to hide her smile from Gemma, but she had to keep it secret, since Gemma had told her to stay away from Happy. Natasha knew now that there was almost no going back, her heart was starting to crumble under the thought of having to leave him. She knew that she would always have that regret if she walked away now.

Natasha walked into the office, greeting Gemma as she tried to remain calm and cool about everything, but Gemma no doubt knew something was up. You couldn't hide anything from Gemma, something that Natasha both loved and hated.

"You okay?" Gemma asked as Natasha sat down, paperwork in hand, her core still sore as she tried to get comfy.

"Long night." She said with a smile, Gemma smirking as she pushed her reading glasses up on her face. Gemma leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms over her chest, Natasha trying to look only at the paperwork in front of her.

"Thought I told you to stay away from Happy?" She said with a smirk, Natasha running her hand through her hair as she tried not to smirk. Natasha shrugged her shoulders and finally caught her gaze, knowing that hiding anything from Gemma was a bad idea.

"He needed me." Natasha said, watching as Gemma sighed and rolling her eyes, a guilt rising inside her as she felt she had disappointed her. She couldn't hid how she felt about Happy, even though she had tried to push away those thoughts.

"So, you sleep with him?"

"No, I didn't sleep with him—we did other stuff." Natasha said, a blush going over her face as she felt embarrassed to even talk about it, feeling as if she had committed a terrible sin. Natasha sat back, her eyes connected to Gemma's as her stomach started to churn. "What's so wrong with Happy?" She asked finally, wanting to know just why everyone was trying their hardest to pull them apart.

"Happy is a great when it comes to club business, and he does things for this club that we can never thank him for. He kills for the club, sweetheart, and he does it in a way where he can go home and sleep at night."

"You think he will hurt me?" Natasha asked, confused by everything that was going on around her. "You told me if I needed help to go to him."

"I said help, I didn't say go and fall for the guy" Gemma said as she stood up a cigarette going between her lips as she walked outside, Natasha following hesitantly behind her. They stood in silence as Gemma smoked, both women watching as guys flooded in and out of the shop.

"I don't know what I feel for him Gem" She admitted as she wind blew through her hair, an energy around her making her uncomfortable. She felt as if someone was watching her, a feeling that made her sick to her stomach.

"Happy has never had an old lady, he has never thrown himself at a woman like he has with you. Clay and I are worried he will break your heart, once he sees how different you two are." Gemma finally admitted, Natasha knew exactly why they felt that way, since she too had those doubts.

"Whatever happens Gem, I'm here to stay." Natasha said with a smile as Gemma pulled her in for a tight hug. Natasha wrapped her arms around Gemma, feeling a bond form between them that she knew would never be tested.

"I never had a daughter, but if did, I hope she would be like you." Gemma smiled as they walked inside, Natasha feeling better about her blossoming relationship with Happy. She didn't know where it was going, or what would happen, all she knew is that her heart was finally open to embrace it.

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