Chapter Eleven:Expecting the Unexpected

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    "What is she doing here?" Clay asked, as Natasha slipped the helmet off her head, her body shaking as felt this was a bad idea.

"She has every right to be here, this fucker needs to know why he is dying." Happy growled as he helped Natasha from the bike, his eyes searching for any objection from his brothers. He pulled Natasha away from the crowd, fearing that this was a bad idea. He knew that once she saw this side of him, that was it, there was no going back.

"What is it?" Natasha asked as she saw the look on Happy's face, his hands resting on her shoulders. Her body was shaking and her mind was racing in so many directions she had no control over any thought that entered her body.

"I don't know if I want you in there—Angel." He said, real fear all over his voice as he looked down at her. She smiled up at him, knowing why he had such terrible reservations, but Natasha knew that if she was going to be his, she wanted to know all of him. Even the monster he kept hidden from her.

"It's okay—really. I have come this far, just do your thing." She said, a smile on her face as he lifted her, his lips connecting with his.

"I love you, Angel." He said, Natasha watching as he slipped a pair of leather gloves over his hands and walked inside the old abandoned warehouse. Jax stood by Angels side as she entered the warehouse, her body shaking as she saw the man that tried to kill her sitting chained to a pipe.

"If it gets too much, tug on my arm—I'll take you out." Jax said, the brotherly love he showed for her something she had never felt before. They all took care of her, a large family like she always secretly wanted.

Natasha bit her lip as she watched Happy take his kutte and shirt off, the menacing and angry look on his face causing her stomach to knot. Natasha knew that what she was doing was crazy and against all she ever held dear, but she wanted to know who she was in love with. She watched in shock as Happy beat Weston, blood all over his body as the guys took turns in punching and kicking him.

Her body was shaking as she watched Happy take his knife from his holster and stab Weston in the shoulder, laughing in face as Weston screamed out in pain. She knew that Weston deserved to pay for what he did, but the image of the pain and carnage was going to be forever cemented in her mind.

She froze as Happy turned to face her, his eyes locked on hers as a devious smile moved over his face. "You hurt my, Angel." He growled as he took the knife from Weston's shoulder and slashed his throat, blood spraying all over Happy as Natasha gasped, her face going white as she watched the life drain from his body.

She reached to grip her rosary, her heart sinking as she remembered it wasn't there anymore. In that moment, her heart broke and her soul crushed under the fact that she was no longer the same person.

"Take her back to the club Teller, we gotta hide this piece of shit." Happy said as he kicked Weston's lifeless body, Natasha feeling the bile rise into her throat as she rushed from the warehouse. She shook her arms as she walked out to the dirt road, Jax following her as she had no idea what to think, or what to feel.

She was numb the entire ride back to the clubhouse, Jax asking her if he needed to call Tara to check her out. Natasha didn't want to see a single person, she just wanted to slip into bed and try to forget the nightmare she had witnessed.

Natasha sat on the edge of Happy's bed, barely moving at all as she waited for him. Her mind went over the moments they shared, and went over what she had seen. She knew in her heart who he was when she had allowed him into her heart, so pushing him away would be the worst thing possible.

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