Chapter Ten:Learning To Love

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HEY!! Just wanted to tell all of you thank you for the reads votes and comments! It means so much to me that this story has gotten as far as it has!!! Remember the warning 18+

Natasha sat in the office trying to finish up the paperwork, Gemma gone for the day due to an illness, leaving Natasha to work on a Saturday. Happy had gone with the guys, club business that she wanted to stay out of. Her body and core was still aching from the last few nights, neither one of them able to get enough of each other.

Each time became more intense, and the moment Natasha confessed her love for Happy, he became unraveled. Natasha knew in her heart this is what was pulling her into Charming, and she knew that nothing would tear her from him.

A knock on the door shook her from her thoughts since no one was supposed to be at work, except for her. "Come in." She said watching as a well-dressed blonde woman walked into the office, a badge around her neck that read ATF. "Can I help you?" Natasha asked as she stood and shook the woman's hand, her thoughts turning to Gemma.

Gemma and Happy had been complaining about a woman fitting her description. Both telling her that she had been wanting to bring down the club and lock the guys away for a long time.

"June Stahl, ATF—mind if I sit down, maybe ask you a few questions?" Agent Stahl asked, Natasha smiling and nodding her head, knowing she had nothing to hide.

"Sure okay." She said as she sat down, her hands rested on the desk as she tried not to show how nervous she was. Gemma had given her tips on how to handle this woman, tell her nothing, and never tell club business.

"You are Natasha Benson correct? "

"Yes—that is correct." Natasha answered, wondering just how she had ended up on this woman's radar.

"You moved to Charming from the Our lady of Mercy Convent—can you explain why that was? Why you gave up a life of service to work at the TellerMorrow shop?" She asked, the look on her face making Natasha uncomfortable.

"It wasn't my calling after all. The nuns always talked of Charming—how it needed saving, so I moved out here to try and help where I could." She answered honestly, watching as Agent Stahl sneered at her answer.

"So—a failed nun who knows almost nothing about the world settles in Charming and just so happens to date of the biggest criminals in not only California, but Washington and Arizona." She said in a sarcastic tone, Natasha furrowing her brow as she felt this woman was trying to intimidate her.

"I am very confused Miss Stahl, why are you questioning me? I work and go home—I haven't had any problems." Natasha said, hoping this woman would just leave her alone, but she knew that wasn't the case.

"What about when you were taken and brutally beaten by a pair of masked men?"

"I made a report about that and I trust that its being handled." Natasha said as she crossed her arms over her chest, trying not to feel intimidated by this woman's power trip.

"Handled? The two men that were identified have mysteriously turned up dead, and you know nothing about that?" Stahl asked, a smile on her face as Natasha just wanted to run back to her room and hide.

"I know nothing about it, it's unfortunate that I will never get justice for what happened, but I don't see what I have do with the deaths of those despicable men?" She said, hoping that this woman just leave her office.

"You are a naive woman, swimming in a sea of criminals, and you chose the worst of the worst. Take some advice honey, run before it's too late. Don't let your life be ruined by a ruthless killer like Happy Lowman." Agent Stahl said, a smile on her face as she slipped a card from her jacket.

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