Chapter Fifteen:Tears Of An Angel

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HEY EVERYONE! This is the final chapter to my Happy Lowman story! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this story and voting and commenting it means sooo much! I will have another Happy Lowman story posted once my other Jax Teller story is finished! Thank so much everyone...

"Little more blush, sweetheart." Gemma said as Venus dabbed the brush into the pink powder. Natasha sat still as Venus finished her makeup, her heart racing as Gemma pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Her hands were shaking as Venus pinned the veil into her hair, Gemma protesting that Venus was messing up her hard work.

"It looks amazing, can you two not-please." Natasha asked as she stood and looked in the mirror, her eyes scanning over every inch of her face. Venus had done a beautiful job with the makeup, her lips holding a nice nude tone as her hair looked amazing curled and pinned up.

"Ready?" Venus asked as she pulled the veil over Natasha's face as a soft knock sounded at the door. Natasha smiled as Jax walked into the room, his hair slicked back and his kutte covering a nice plaid button up shirt. Jax had been more than honored to walk Natasha into the courtroom, an overwhelming feeling washing over him as he felt he was walking his own sister down the aisle.

  Gemma and Venus gave her tight hugs and kisses on the cheek before leaving, both women still debating over the veil and the hair. Natasha didn't like the veil, but it did complete her look and she couldn't argue with that.

"Don't let me trip, Jax." She said with a smile as she griped her bouquet tightly in her hand. Jax smirked and pulled her to him for a hug, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried not to get overwhelmed by the emotions rushing through her.

"If you fall, I'll catch ya—promise." Jax smiled as he raised her veil, Natasha thanking him as they walked from the dressing room and out into the hall. Natasha gripped Jax's arm tight as they got closer to the room, her heart leaping as they stopped just outside.

"I'm getting married—Jax." She said as she looked up at him, her body shaking as Jax smiled down at her, knowing full well what she was feeling. The moment the door opened she was met with smiling faces, her eyes going straight to Happy. His mouth was gaped open as he stood by the judge, looking handsome in his black button up shirt. His kutte looking washed and brand new as he stood next to Tigs, Clay and Opie.

"Oh, my god." Happy whispered as he quickly wiped a tear from his eye, Tigs smiling as his eyes locked to Venus. Natasha smirked as she caught Venus's gaze, a smile on her face as Jax put her hand in Happy's.

"Who gives, this woman in marriage?" The judge asked.

"We all do!" The club answered, Natasha giggling as she wasn't expecting them all to answer at once. She handed her bouquet to Gemma, a smile on her face as she turned to Happy, their hands laced together as the judge began the ceremony.

"As I understand it, the bride and groom have prepared something." The judge said, motioning to Happy whotook a deep breath. He gently kissed Natasha's hand before he spoke, his eyes welling up with tears as Tigs tapped his shoulder for comfort.

"Fuck, where do I begin. I shouldn't be here, cause a man like me doesn't deserve a woman like you, Natasha. I'm not a good man, and I never thought that even the worst of women would want me, but here you are. You love me, all of me and I couldn't even imagine a day without you. I love you Natasha and with my club and god as my witness, I will never fucking hurt you—I will never not love you. You are my life and my soul and because of you, I am a better man." Happy said, his voice shaking as he gripped her hands tight in his. Natasha bit her lip as she tried not to cry, her body shaking with pure happiness as she tried to speak.

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