Alternative Ending

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So i have had a lot of people tell me that the ending to this story was maybe a little too harsh and now that I think of it, it was too harsh. So this is an alternate ending, I hope you enjoy.


  "Happy, please don't touch me." Natasha groaned as she felt another contraction hit her. She knew time was getting close, but she was determined to not ask for a single pain drug. She had waited 9 long months to meet her daughter, and she didn't want ruin the moment with hazy thoughts.

    "What can I do? I'm fuckin lost here." Happy asked as he stepped back in frustration, his palms sweaty as he watched helplessly as his wife labored. He knew that having a kid was painful for women, but he felt like a complete dick. He wanted to help her but Natasha had become very verbal about not wanting to be touched.

  Happy was in fear of this day for so long, since he knew it was risky for a woman to give birth. He had almost lost Natasha on their wedding day during a drive by, but had it not been for Tig covering her body with his, he would have lost her. Thankfully Tig had survived with a few bullets to his leg and arm, but Happy felt that was better than losing the love of his life.

    "Hold my hand baby, please." Natasha groaned as she reached for him, her hair sweat drenched and sticking to her face. "This is--harder than I thought." She said through clinched teeth as she grabbed Happy's hand, his free hand pushing the hair from her face.

  "You are doing perfect Angel--just breathe" Happy said tenderly as she squeezed his hand, his eyes going to the monitor as he watched the contraction ease up. "Here comes another one baby, breathe." He said as he felt pain shoot through his hand, pain that he had no idea Natasha could inflict. 

  "It's time honey, I have to push, I have to push!" She said as she let go of Happy's hand and sat up in bed, Happy watching as the nurses got everything set up. He knew that everyone was out in the waiting room, waiting for the arrival of Princess Lowman. Happy never thought that this day would come, especially for a killer like him. He had thought years ago that a life of fucking croweaters was all he needed, but the moment he laid eyes on his Angel, everything changed.

  Happy put his arm around Natasha shoulders as she began to push, tears forming in her eyes as Happy could feel her pain in each painful gasp she took. "You can do it Angel, just push baby--she is almost here. Push baby." Happy said as he gently kissed her sweat stained forehead, her body shuddering as she screamed out in pain.

   "One more push Mrs Lowman and you two will have a little girl." The doctor said as a smile went over Happy's face as he felt his heart swell in a way he never felt before. He was going to be a father. He had never really thought about having kids, but when he had heard of the miscarriage of his first child, he knew more than ever he wanted kids.

    Within 30 seconds, their daughter was born, the doctor quickly wrapping her in a blanket and handing her to Natasha as Happy cut the cord. Tears fell down his cheeks as he looked into the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen.  "Angel--she is beautiful baby." Happy said as he kissed Natasha on the forehead.

   After the doctors cleaned her off Happy and Natasha finally had a moment alone with their daughter, Natasha feeling a sense of joy she had never felt before. A joy she knew only came with having a child.

   "What should we call her?" Natasha asked as she handed their daughter to Happy, her heart calm as she watched the bond between father and daughter grow. She knew that their daughter already had happy wrapped around her little finger. She also knew that this was going to change all the boys in the club, since most of them like to put on a tough hard exterior.

  "Hope, since I never could have hoped to have such an amazing woman baby. I love you." Happy said as more tears streamed down his cheeks. Natasha shook her head yes as she kissed Happy and then little Hope's cheeks, her entire world now complete. She knew that running away from the convent and her dream of becoming a nun was the best choice she had ever made. She had her loving and at times stubborn husband, and now she had a little girl, her Hope and her Happy.

  "I love you, Happy--Forever."

  "I love you Angel, until my dying day."

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