Chapter Twelve:A Strangers Advice

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"Natasha, please open the door." Happy said as he knocked once again, knowing that he had been the worst fuck up in the world. He knocked again, hoping that this time she would answer. It had been barely a day since he had lost all control and once again hurt the woman he loved, his heart heavy as he hoped she would accept him back.

"She ain't here, man." Filthy Phil groaned as he looked out from his door, Happy furrowing his brow as he kicked in the door, a bad feeling knocking him in the face as he looked at the empty yet tidy room.

He looked at the drawers, his face turning angry as he saw they were empty. "No, no—FUCK NO!" He yelled as he looked for any sign of where she went, Gemma rushing into the room moments later with Clay.

"What the fuck Hap? What's going on."

"Where is she? Her clothes are gone—where is she?" He growled, his hand going over his head as he felt out control, his body feeling hot as he tried to think of where the hell she could have gone.

"Gemma, call her cell." Clay said, Happy crossing his arms over his chest as he listened to it go straight to voicemail, Happy cursing loudly as he leaned against the wall.

"What happen Hap? Did you freak out on her when she told you?" Gemma said, watching as Happy looked at her with confusion.

"Told me what? I flipped out on her yesterday when Jax told us that bullshit yesterday." He explained, watching as Gemma covered her face in disbelief.

"Shit—I thought she had told you Hap, and I didn't want to be the one to tell you this since, it's really not my shit to tell." She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest, everyone in the room looking at her for the answer to Natasha's disappearance.

"What? What the fuck is goin on Gemma?" Happy asked as felt his anger rising out of control.

"Natasha is pregnant Happy, we found out yesterday and I thought she had told you—but I guess not." Gemma said, Happy feeling as if the air had been let out of his lungs. He leaned against the wall, his mouth wide open as he felt the world falling around him.

"Where is she?" He asked, knowing that Gemma would hide something like that from him. He didn't care what he had to do, he was going to find Natasha. He didn't care if he had to evade police and hide out in dumpsters, he was going to find her, and bring her home to him.

"I don't know, Hap—but we are gonna find her—Clay go to St Thomas and see if Tara has seen her. Happy you stay here, if she comes back you need to be the only one to talk to her.


Natasha sat in the bus station all night, her stomach in knots as she still hadn't decided where to go, or what to do. She had turned her phone off and had been inside the bus station for hours, hiding in the bathroom whenever she heard a motorcycle. She couldn't go back to the clubhouse and face Happy, since she was sure he would be furious at the fact she was pregnant.

"Excuse me, honey—is this seat taken?" A kind and soft voice asked pulling Natasha from the sadness that had become her reality. She looked up in shock, the person in front of her had the masculine face of a man, but the large breast and clothes of a woman.

"Where—are my manners—yes. I'm sorry." Natasha said as she removed her suitcase from the bench, the woman sitting down with a heavy sigh.

"Traveling is the worst, makes me skin blemish like an acne prone teen." The woman said, her voice slightly deep like a man, but still soft like a southern belle. Natasha smiled, knowing that it was rude of her to judge a book by its cover, since this person had clearly no ill will towards her.

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