Chapter Nine:All Of Me

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Natasha woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating on the desk, her heart heavy as she saw the bed was empty beside her. She looked at her phone, a text from Happy letting her know he had gone to Stockton for the day, and would be back that night. She didn't like the fact that he would just come and go, but then again, she had made the choice to stay. She texted him to be careful, her core aching and sore as she stood.

"Shoot." She said as she looked down at the sheets, a small blood stain staring her in the face. Her mind was racing as she thought about all that had happened last night. The night had been incredible, and Happy had made sure that she felt as little pain as possible. She knew it was foolish to not use protection, but in the church, theyhad taught her that any form of birth control was forbidden.

Natasha showered and dressed, her yellow dress with blue flowers her outfit of choice, since the jeans she had worn felt uncomfortable. Natasha bit her lip as she saw the love mark left behind by Happy, a few dabs of her foundation able to cover it. She knew today was her day off, but Gemma was in the office to finish up some work and Natasha had offered to help. She threw the sheets into the wash in the back of the clubhouse, knowing that they needed to be cleaned at least twice.

Her cheeks flushed pink as she walked over to the office, knowing full well that Gemma was going to hound her with questions. "Morning." Natasha said as she walked in, Gemma looking up from her desk, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Afternoon, tired?" Gemma smirked as she went back to typing something on the computer. Natasha blushed and sat down on the chair next to the desk, wincing in pain as the soreness between her legs made her jump. "So, how was it?" Gemma asked as she sat back in the chair, her hands gripping her coffee cup as her eyes narrowed on Natasha.

Natasha sighed and ran her hand through her hair, knowing full well that she was not going to escape this office without offering Gemma some of the details.

"It was nice, painful but nice." Natasha admitted, a giggle escaping her as Gemma started laughing, a laugh that was almost congratulatory.

"Clay and I figured when you two disappeared for the night that's what was goin on, so—I guess this means you are here to stay?" Gemma asked as she lit a cigarette, Natasha giving her a shocked look as she was trying to get her to quit. "Oh shit, Jesus, I need one." Gemma hissed.

"I wish I knew what this means, he said that I am his, but—I don't know what that means exactly. Am I his girlfriend? His friend?" Natasha said, the confusion of it all finally slapping her in the face.

"What did he say?"

"That he loves me." Natasha said bluntly watching as Gemma choked on the smoke on her cigarette, Natasha grabbing a bottle of water from the small fridge Gemma kept in the corner.

"He said—he loves you?"

"He said it was love at first sight, and Gemma—I don't know if I love him, I know I care for him but—I wanna know him. I wanna know the man who the club calls on, I wanna know Happy." Natasha said as she sat up and looked out the window at the shop, so many emotions rushing over her.

"Happy isn't a man you wanna know like that, honey. Just live in the fantasy he is giving you—because once you see on the other side of the curtain, there is no going back."


Natasha sat in her room reading a book the entire evening, Happy texting her every hour to ask how she was. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't heard her phone going off even once, a gasp escaping her as Happy tore into her room late that night.

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