Chapter Thirteen:Homecoming

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"What about his one?" Natasha asked Venus, as she held a purple dress up to her, Venus shaking her head no as Natasha rolled her eyes. She had been trying to pick out a dress all morning, knowing that Happy and the rest of the guys were getting released after a long fourteen months.

"Just dress like you normally do, sugar, this man fell in love with your innocence, so don't feel the need to whore it up." Venus said with a smile as she picked up a simple pink summer dress, along with a simple white cardigan.

"I haven't spoken to him since that day Venus—plus I moved out of the clubhouse, and i feel like I have changed." Natasha said as she leaned against the door frame, her eyes looking up into her best friends, an unlikely friendship that was formed over simple advice.

"If what you told me about this man is true—he still loves you. Now get dressed and put on those cute little sandals I bought you, cause I'm doing your hair and makeup." Venus smiled as she walked from Natasha's room and into the bathroom.

Natasha dressed and allowed Venus to curl her hair, something she always hated since the curls never took. She tried to protest the heavy red lipstick, but Venus wouldn't allow it, a smile on Natasha's face as she looked herself over in the mirror.

"I have to meet with a client right now, but you just text me how it goes—alright sugar?" Venus smiled as she kissed Natasha's cheeks, her arms encircling her friend as she felt so grateful to have a woman like Venus in her life. She was nervous about seeing Happy after all this time, nervous about what he would say.

She decided not to wait out in front with all the others, instead choosing to just wait in his room, hoping that he didn't reject her. She sat on his bed, the same bed she lost her virginity on the year before, the memories so fresh in her mind it made her blush once again.

Her heart leaped when she looked out the window, seeing all the guys ride up and greet their women and friends made her heart flutter. She had told Gemma to whisper to Happy about her waiting for him, her heart leaping into her throat as she saw him heading towards the clubhouse. She sat on the bed, her fingers brushing a curl from her face as she tried not to shake from pure fear.

She bit her lip and stood as Happy walked into the room, his gaze so harsh and dark that she feared this was all a huge mistake. She laced her hands together and held them behind her back as watched him close and lock the door, the air filling an energy she hadn't felt in a long time.

She watched him as he slowly slipped off his Kutte and set it on the chair, the silence in the room killing her as she just wanted him to say anything. She tensed as he walked behind her, his lips gently kissing the top of her head as she closed her eyes and sank into him. She missed him, missed his touch, his voice and especially just being around him.

"I'm—sorry." She said, her voice quivering as Happy turned her to face him, a smile on his face as he slowly started to undo the buttons on her cardigan. Natasha shook as his calloused fingers brushed over her skin as he slipped the fabric off her and let it pool at her feet. She wanted him to say something, anything, but she understood his silence.

She held her breathe as he went to his knees his hands running under her dress, his fingers hooking into her panties as he slipped them down her legs. A blushed ran over her face as he stood, his lips gently pecking hers as he reached around and unzipped her dress, the fabric pooling around her feet as she stepped out of it.

"Mm, look at you." Happy said finally, as he gently pushed Natasha back onto the bed, his hands slipping her sandals off one by one as he never broke their gaze. "Anyone else touch you while I was in?" He asked in a low tone as he slipped his shirt off and threw it at Natasha.

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