Chapter Four:Resisting Temptation

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Natasha's eyes were still heavy as she walked out of her dorm that morning, most of the club members already sitting around as they waited for the morning meeting. It was Saturday, her first day off and her one day to have get her thoughts together.

"Morning." Gemma said, pulling Natasha from her thoughts, a smile on Natasha face as Gemma teased her about her outfit. Natasha had chosen a white dress with purple flowers, her shoulders covered with a white cardigan. She stuck out like a sore thumb especially around Gemma or any other woman in the clubhouse.

"Morning." She said as Gemma handed her a cup of coffee, something she drank with a smile as her night had been sleepless.

"You look tired, sweetheart, something wrong?" Gemma asked as Natasha tensed her body, Happy walking by with the other guys, his eyes forward as he walked into the clubhouse. Natasha looked up at Gemma and motioned for them to walk outside, the fresh air something she needed so desperately.

Gemma lit a cigarette as they walked to her car, Natasha still sipping on coffee as she tried to think of a way to word what she wanted to say. She was so confused as to how she felt or even what she was feeling. It hadn't been but a simple week and here she was already confused about her new life.

"Gem, what do you know about—Happy?" She asked, watching as Gemma raised her eyebrow, the subject clearly something to discuss.

"Why? He hit on you?"

"I don't know he—he follows me around, calls me Angel and he— "She trailed off not wanting to make it sound as if Happy was being rude to her, since Natasha didn't see it that way.

"Happy isn't one that I have ever seen to become infatuated with a woman, his line of work prevents that. You wanna pack your things and stay with me and Clay?" Gemma offered as she blew smoke over Natasha's head trying to be considerate.

"No, it's okay—I feel I am where I need to be, its just—Happy he scares me and makes me feel safe all in one. I know it sounds crazy but, when he touched me—I felt—I don't know." She said watching as Gemma started to smirk, Natasha feeling embarrassed as her cheeks grew pink.

"You like him? It's okay honey to like a man—it's not a sin to admit he made you feel wanted." Gemma said as she put her arm over her shoulders. Natasha smiled and finished her coffee, Gemma explaining to her how the club worked and what the difference between a crow eater and an Old lady was.

"I didn't come out here to find a man, or a partner."

"Then, why did you? Why did you leave your sheltered life? You left to see what the world could offer, right? Well this is your life right now, take it in." Gemma said as she waved at Clay who had walked from the club with Jax, Chib's and Happy. "Get out of your head, sweetheart, and enjoy the day." Gemma said as she walked to Clay, Natasha walking back to the club, her stomach growling as she tried to casually walk past Happy.

"Hey—I gotta take care of some stuff." Happy said as he moved in front of her, Natasha's eyes watching as everyone looked their way, confused looks on their faces.

"Okay—be careful?" She said as she looked up at him, watching as Happy smiled down her at his large hands cupping her face as if he was trying to memorize every inch. Her lips parted as he bent down and kissed the top of her head, a gentle kiss that made her feel protected in a way.

"See ya later." He said as he walked over to the guys who all looked shocked and confused, all of them silent as Happy kicked his leg over his bike. Natasha rushed inside her dorm and sat down, the emotions running over her as she tried to comprehend what happened. She grasped her rosary in her hand, her eyes closing as she tried to remember to all she had been taught.

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