Chapter Three: His Special Angel

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Natasha stayed in her room as the nightly party ensued loud voices and music filling her room as she tried to read. Gemma had told her she was more than welcome to join them out in the clubhouse, but Natasha didn't feel comfortable and being a party pooper was not something she wanted. Tara had offered to stay by her side the entire evening, but Natasha didn't want to be babysat, and drinking was something she had never done.

 A loud knock at her door caused Natasha to lift her head from her book, her hair pulled back and out of her face and her brown robe covering her body. She had dressed in her white night gown, the only thing she ever bought that was even a hint of sheer, but she still wasn't used to showing so much skin.

Her body tensed when she opened the door, Happy standing there with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. His eyes were intense and dark as he looked down at her, Natasha feeling that surge of heat rush over her again.

"Can I come in?" Happy asked as he placed his arm on the doorway, Natasha nodding her head as she walked over and shut her book. She felt exposed and out of place, never in her wildest dreams did she ever think a man would be knocking on her door.

She sat down on the chair at the desk, watching as Happy slowly sat down on the bed. "Why are you here?" She asked as she rested her hands on her lap, her heart racing as she watched him take a sip of whiskey.

"Why are you in here?" He asked, his voice gruffer than usual, Natasha noticing that his knuckles were bloody and bruised.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she stood and walked into the bathroom for her tiny first aid kit. She had been taught as a training nun that she is to help all that are in need, no matter if they frightened her.

"I'm fucking rapturous, the other guy isn't." He said as she sat down next to him her hands gently grasping his as he felt himself grow hard. Her soft touch on his skin made his body react in a way that made him smirk. It took all this willpower not to take her right there, the tension in the room around them growing by the minute.

"Why were you fighting?" Natasha asked as she cleaned off the blood from his hand, her body shaking as could feel the heat radiating from his body. She tried to think of anything but the sinful thoughts running through her mind, thoughts that made her cheeks red hot.

"Relieves tension, and it's fun to beat the shit outta someone." He said, his honesty something that Natasha appreciated, but his bluntness making her nervous.

"Is that what all that noise was earlier?" She asked, watching as he nodded his head, a smirk on his face as she cleaned his wounds with an alcohol pad. "So, you just fight until, someone falls down?" She asked, worried that most of the blood on his hands was not his. He didn't answer, his eyes just locked to her body the way the moth is drawn to a flame.

 "You are the silent type." She said nervously as she finished cleaning his hands, her body tensing as she felt his other hand reach up and pull her hair tie from her hair. Her long brown hair fell around her shoulders and face, her eyes slowly looking up his as she forgot in that moment how to breath.

Natasha stood and placed her first aid kit on the desk, her eyes closing as she felt Happy behind her, his thick hands running through her hair in a way that made her body tingle. She felt scared to be around him, but also felt safe, since she knew in her heart that he would never hurt her. She had seen the look of a man when he wanted to cause harm, and Happy had never given her that look.

"Please stop." She said as she looked down at her rosary, a smile on her face when Happy immediately stepped back from her. Natasha closed her eyes as she tried to steady her nerves and her breathing, but nothing was working. "Why are you following me, Happy?" She asked as she turned to look at him, her eyes looking over the various tattoos that rested on his arms.

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