Chapter One: A Charming Town

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Natasha took a deep breath and held her hand tight over her rosary, the suitcase in her hand feeling as if it weighted over twenty pounds. It was nearly two in the morning and instead of being in bed getting plenty of rest for choir practice, she was standing in the rain waiting on a bus. She was wearing a dress that she had taken from the donation pile, a dress that was no doubt handmade before she had even been born.

She knew that when reverend mother finds out about her leaving she would be disappointed, but she couldn't dedicate her life to god as a nun until she knew it was her true calling. She had read so many books in her five years at the convent, and felt that at the age of 21 she needed to know more of the world than what the nuns told her.

They had always prayed for the town of Charming, a town they said needed saving and salvation more than any other town. Natasha used most of the money she had saved and bought a bus ticket to Charming, knowing full well that she was walking into unknown territory. She had never lived anywhere but her home in Sacramento with her parents, and the convent nestled outside of Stockton.

She didn't know much of life except from the news and the books she had read, but she knew in her heart that something was calling her to Charming. The moment she heard the name she knew she had to see it at least once in her life. She was due to take her final vows soon, and she knew once she did that there was no turning back. She boarded the bus and walked to the back, sitting alone next to the window as her body shook from the cold and from fear. She was so scared of what was waiting for her, and what the world could offer outside the walls of the convent, but she knew that she had to push forward.

She held tight to her rosary and prayed silently to herself knowing that once the sun came up, her life would be forever changed. She had only 200 dollars to her name, and three pieces of clothing that included her black dress the church had given her, as well as her black veil. Her shoes were worn and tattered, most days causing her feet pain, but Natasha knew it was all for a purpose.

Most nights back in the convent she had laid awake and questioned all she knew, questioned the lessons she had learned and most of all questioned her faith. She knew she had to see the world before the chance was taken from her, and Natasha knew the world could offer her much deeper life lessons.


It was almost noon by the time Natasha walked from the bus station and into the small diner, most the locals giving her confused looks as she walked in. She was tired and her long brown hair was clinging to her face as she sat down at the bar.

"Can I have some water, please." She said as she set her suitcase next to her, her eyes looking at the local police officer sipping coffee, his eyes locked to the newspaper. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you but, do you have the help wanted ads?" She asked, the tired looking man looking over at her, a small smile on his face as he slipped her the want ads.

"New in town?" The officer asked as he turned towards her, Natasha almost chugging the cold glass of water that was set in front of her. She chuckled as some water spilled out onto her dress, the officer handing her a few napkins.

"Sheriff Wayne Unser." The man said as he held his hand out to her, Natasha eagerly shaking his hand.

"Natasha Benson, nice to meet a man of the law." She smiled as she continued to sip her water, her stomach growling as she realized she hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. She was used to a hearty breakfast at 5am, but so far, her meal had consisted of water and a few crackers given to her by an elderly woman on the bus.

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