Chapter Two: A Simple Apple

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It had been three days since Natasha had been in Charming, and in that time, she had gotten new clothes,shoes, made a few new friends and settled into her room. Gemma had shown her all that she needed to know to work in the office, simple work that Natasha was grateful for. She yawned and continued to read the book she had found in the desk, an old book about motorcycle clubs.

"Oh, my word." She said as she heard loud voices coming from the bar area, her mind remembering that the men were supposed to come back from the run. Gemma had been missing her husband Clay all weekend, and Natasha was glad that he was finally home, since she had hoped Gemma would be in better spirits.

Her stomach growled, the clock telling her it was past 9 at night, her last meal being with Gemma after work. The apples she had stashed in the fridge were calling to her, her hand running through her brown hair as she contemplated going out there with all the men. She hadn't met any of them and as far as she knew Clay was the only person who knew about her.

She slipped on her brown robe, the same one that had been given to her at the age of 16, the same one that had a large hole in the sleeve from when she fell down the stairs last winter. Natasha took a deep breath and opened the door, the smell of beer and smoke hitting her in the nose as she walked out. Music was playing from the jukebox as men and women were sitting everywhere, the atmosphere making her heart race.

Everyone in the room stopped and looked at her, a nervous laugh escaping her as a tall older man with a beard approached her. "Natasha? Gem told me about you—Clay Morrow, owner of the shop and President of SAMCRO." Clay said as he extended his hand, a short brunette girl hanging on his waste.

"Natasha—Benson—I didn't mean to interrupted I just came to get an apple I left in the fridge." She said as she shook his hand and quickly walked into the kitchen, a gasp escaping her as she was cut off a tall man covered in tattoos. She backed against the counter, her eyes going to his as he stared down at her with a gaze like nothing she had seen before.

"What's your name?" He asked as he took a bite of one of the apples she had stored in the fridge. Natasha bit her lip and felt her heart rate increase as the man stepped closer, her back now pressed hard against the counter.

"I'm—Na—Natasha, you are really close sir, and that is my apple." She said as she placed her hand behind her neck and look away from him. She watched as he turned around and grabbed another one from the fridge, holding it out to her like the snake from the bible.

"Hungry?" He asked his gaze still unchanging as Natasha looked up at him, her breathing coming in ragged as she realized she had been holding her breath the entire time. Never in her life had she seen a man like him, and she had never felt the sensation that was traveling all over her body.

"Um—yes, can I have it please?" She asked as she held her hand out to him, another gasp escaping her as he moved closer again.

"Happy! Give her the damn apple." Clay said, Natasha turning her head to smile at him, her body tensing as Happy reached out his hand to caress her face. His calloused fingers tingling over her skin as she couldn't look away from him. He trailed his thumb over her cheek and her lower lip, her heart almost stopping as she locked eyes with him.

"Thank you." She whispered as she took the apple from him and stepped back out of his reach, a smile on his face as she bit her lip, her nerves taking over as she looked away from him. "Happy." She said as she acknowledged his name.

"Very." The man said, his voice deep and raspy, a voice like nothing she had heard. She smiled and took off back down the hall and to her room, her breathing heavy as she closed the door. She rested her hand against her cheek, her skin on fire as she remembered his touch as if it was still there.

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