Chapter Five:HIS

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    Natasha made the final choice to stay, choosing to avoid Happy if ever possible. She lived next to him and worked next to the clubhouse, so avoiding him was proving in vain. It had been over a week since he had made his confession, and in that time, he had tried over and over to get alone time with her.

She locked her doors at night and tried her hardest to dodge him wherever possible, noticing that each day she avoided him he grew angrier, even starting a fight with a prospect during a meeting. She felt terrible for avoiding him, but in her heart, she knew it was what she had to do to resist him.

Gemma was out to dinner with Clay, and Tara was working, leaving Natasha in the office to catch up on the paperwork. It didn't take long for Natasha to catch on to what TellerMorrow did, since the money coming in didn't match the cars in the shop. She wasn't about to turn them in, since in her mind it wasn't her business.

Natasha sighed and sat back, her hand reaching up to pull the hair clip from her hair, her hand brushing away the day like a perfect stress reliever. She sighed as she looked at the clock, the time telling her it was time to just go to bed. She had been working for over 14 hours and knew that at the end of the week it would be worth it.

She stood up and brushed some cookie crumbs from her black pencil skirt, her pink blouse looking wrinkled as she untucked it from her skirt. Natasha froze and looked up as the door to the office opened, Happy walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"Can I help you?" She asked as she bit her lip, worried that she would now have to face him after all this time.

"Why you avoiding me? I thought we were getting along?" He asked, his voice gruff once again as he crossed the office and walked over to the desk. Natasha stepped back, the wall blocking any escape she had. She knew that this was coming, but wasn't sure if she was ready to face the reasons whys she was really avoiding him.

Four days prior he had come to the office, his touch on her face after all that time something she had missed, but she had pushed him away, telling her to leave her alone, a request that had been denied.

"I can't get close to you, Happy." She said honestly as she picked up her purse and tried to walk around the table, Happy gently pushing her up against the wall, his hands on either side of her head once again as his body was mere inches from hers.

"Why." He asked his nose almost touching hers, as she could feel the heat coming from his body. She turned her head as he tried to kiss her once again, his lips connecting with her neck as her body tensed. He trailed a few kisses along her neck and up her jaw, Natasha closing her eyes as she tried to keep her mind clear.

"I can't do—this." She said as she pushed him off her and into the desk. "I don't want to fall in love with you, or get attached to you. In the end I will end up some old lady that you forget about, just like Clay does with Gemma." Natasha admitted as she tried to walk past him, his arms pulling her back to him, his hands gripping her hips as her hands gripped his black SAMCRO t-shirt.

"I would never fucking do that to you, you really think I am gonna throw something good away?" He said as he pulled her closer to him, his eyes connected with hers as Natasha surrender to him.

"I know—but I still can't Happy. Please just— "Her words were cut off by his lips, Happy pulling her to him as he finally kissed her. He trailed his tongue over her lips, a groan escaping him as she finally granted him access. He cupped her face as she gripped his shirt tighter, her body starting to tremble once again. It was her first kiss, a kiss that took her breath away and made her heart nearly stop.

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