Chapter Eight:Given Virtue

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"I don't wanna do this in here—not where you brought all your other women." She said as she set her feet down on the floor, her arms crossing her chest.

"What did I tell you when we first met? I never fuck a woman in the bed, I fucked all my women, on the floor, or over the desk." He said in a casual way.

"I don't wanna be—fucked." She said, the foul word making her almost smirk as she hadn't said a cuss word since she was 14. Happy laughed at her attempt to be harsh, but her attempt fell short the moment she giggled. "What makes you think I want you—anyway." Natasha smirked as she tried to stand her ground.

"Happy." She gasped as he pushed her against the wall, his hips pressed tightly to hers. She moaned as he trailed kisses along her jawline and down her neck, as his hand slipped under her shirt to gently squeeze her breast.

"Still don't want me? I can feel your wetness from here." He growled as he picked her up once again, her head falling back as he kissed over her neck and collarbone. Happy sat down on his bed, Natasha straddling him as her arms rested on his shoulders.

"I don't know—if I am ready. Your words hurt me, Happy." She said as she sat up, Happy groaning and laying down on the bed, his hands running over his face in frustration.

"I had to say those things Angel—you think I wanted to do that? The club felt it was better for me to distance myself, so fuck, that's what I did! Every girl I brought in here and fucked was just a piece of ass, nothing special. God—I love you, Angel." He said clinching his jaw as he didn't want the words to slip out of his mouth.

The words shocked Natasha as she stepped back, worried that this was just his ploy to get her into bed with him. She leaned against the desk and crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to come to terms with the three little words he had said.

"Why?" She asked, curious as to how this man who knew nothing of her, or next to nothing about her, could love her. She stood taller as she watched him stand and remove his Kutte and draped it over a chair in the corner.  He pulled his shirt over his head, Natasha's eyes going to his abs where one new smiley face had been added.

"First time I saw you, I had just killed a man. You walked in looking so—beautiful and pure, everything about you made me shake. It was like BOOM, something inside me exploded and I was filled with a feeling I had never felt. The first time I saw you—I fell in love with you, and I get you don't feel that way and it's okay. If you aren't ready then—we can just hang out, and talk." He smiled, a chuckle escaping Natasha's lips as she loved how open and vulnerable he was being.

Natasha stepped forward, her hands resting on the top of his jeans as his hands rose to grip her hips. "Will it hurt?" She asked as she slowly pulled on his belt buckle, biting her lip as it popped open.

"At first—I ain't no small man." He said with a smile, Natasha blushing as she unbuttoned his jeans and with shaking hands pulled down his zipper. She looked up into his eyes as she pushed his jeans passed his hips and down his legs, a blush going over her face as she saw he wasn't wearing underwear. Happy pulled her shirt over her head, a smile on his face as he loved the fact that she was wearing a simple white bra. Most of the woman he had been with wore nothing, or a trashy lingerie that barely covered anything.

He knelt and began to unbutton her jeans, his lips kissing her hip bone as he finally slid her jeans down her legs. Natasha kicked off her flats and stepped out of her jeans, her hands clasped in front of her as she took in Happy's naked body.

"Come here." He said as he held out his arm for her, Natasha shaking as she stepped into his arms, Happy removing her bra so effortlessly it impressed her. She laid down on the bed, her body shaking like a leaf as she watched him stroke himself. She bit her lip as the moment was so new and erotic to her, her body and soul fully ready for him.

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