Chapter Fourteen:The Man Inside The Monster

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Natasha sat up in bed, a smile on her face as she saw Happy asleep next to her, his clothes moved into her apartment and their life finally starting to come together. Their wedding was in two days, and even though it was a small courthouse wedding she had still bought a simple dress. She knew Happy was going to wear his Kutte and jeans, something she wouldn't change even if she could.

She threw on his white reaper crew shirt and tiptoed from the bedroom, her mind uneasy in a way that was keeping her up. She knew that Happy had been receiving threats from another rival MC due to the murder he committed in prison, but he kept all the problems to himself. Natasha didn't want to know about the club business, all she wanted was for Happy to come home safe to her.

Her life even though it felt simple was nothing but, since she knew at any time the love of her life could die, or he could take a life. Happy had added 7 smiley faces to his collection since they met, each one telling a story. Part of her wanted to ask him about it, but part of her knew it would haunt her.

Natasha got a glass of water and sat on the couch, her leg pulled to her chest as she watched the rain fall outside. She was ready to become Happy's wife, but the feeling that was shaking her made it hard for her to even feel content with getting married. She knew in her heart it was just nerves, and cold feet but she always had a sense of fear wash over her.

"Angel? What are you doin up?" Happy asked as she walked from the bedroom, his boxers hanging low on his hips as he walked over and kissed her lips. Natasha watched him as she sat on the couch, a feeling and sensation washing over her as she knew that the man beside her, was all hers.  He had taken the innocence out of her, and for that she was very thankful. 

She leaned over and kissed him, Happy groaning as she slipped her hand into his boxers. "What got into you?" He growled, his head leaning back as he trailed kisses down his neck, his hand gripping her hips tightly.

"Just let me love you." She whispered as she sat up and removed her shirt, Happy looking up at her with animalistic lust as he pushed his boxers down his legs. "I love you." She whispered as she straddled him, her teeth capturing his lip as she loved listening to him groan in pleasure.

She slowly slipped his hard member inside her, his hand gripping her hair as fully sheathed himself in her warmth. "You want me to fuck you?" He asked as he licked her lips, Natasha nodding her head as gently bit his neck.

"I know you miss it baby—it's okay—lose control with me. Show me the side of you that you hide." She purred as she whispered in his ear, Happy groaned as he stood up and carried her to the kitchen counter. Her body was shaking as he pulled her closer to him, his hands pushing her arms above her as he thrust hard into her.

Happy had never lost control with her, and he had never been rough, but Natasha wanted to know all of him. She wanted no secrets and no surprises. She wanted to see this part of him, see him come completely unraveled.

Natasha lightly gasped as Happy gently wrapped his large hand over her throat, squeezing gently as he locked eyes with her. "You like that?" He asked, his hips rotating as Natasha locked her legs around his waist. He removed his hand from her throat and motioned for her to sit up, their lips locking almost instantly.

Happy cupped her face as he broke the kiss, Natasha panting as she wanted more of him. She held on to his shoulders as he lifted her again, her back hitting the wall as he pushed himself into her once again. She moaned out as her back hit the wall over and over as he thrusted hard into her, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he felt he was moments from release.

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