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Brandon's head swam with dizziness. His vision was blurred. He could barely see anything.

Then he saw a dark figure. It had white eyes and black pupils. It looked at him with a curious expression. It said something, but Brandon didn't know what. The figure looked like a middle aged man.

Then the figure walked away. Brandon yelled for it to come back, perhaps it showed significance of something, and he wanted to know what. The figure didn't respond and continued to walk away. Brandon yelled louder. No responce.

Then Brandon's vision was filled with white light, surrounding him at every angle.


Brandon opened his eyes. He saw sunlight. And a forest. Hang on, a forest?! Wasn't he supposed to be in the middle of the city?

Brandon sat up. He looked around. He saw nothing but trees and a brown dirt trail. Brandon didn't recognize any of this scenery.

Brandon looked at himself. He had his yellow raincoat on, and his backpack was under his raincoat. Brandon took out his backpack. Best to see what I've got for surroundings like these, he thought.

Brandon took off his raincoat and opened his backpack. He dug out a change of clothes, a red t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans, his detective book, , his envelope with his money, and a turquoise blue and grey scarf.

That scarf brought back memories. It was a gift from his mom. The last time he saw his mom, she gave him this scarf. Brandon wore it alot, and kept it in perfect condition. He never went anywhere without this scarf.

Brandon put on his scraf. It was warm and fuzzy, filled with stiches of love from his mother. He remembered when he was still with his mom, he saw her sewing this together. She worked very hard on this scraf. Brandon treasured it with all his heart.

Brandon stuffed his raincoat in his backpack. He slung his backpack on his shoulders and got up.

"Well, if I'm gonna find out where I am I might as well start looking for people." Brandon said to himself. He started walking down the brown trail.

Brandon remembered what had happened before he woke up. A guy with a black cloak with red clouds on it who wore an orange mask had attacked the weirdest way. Grabbing his shoulder wasn't exactly assualt, but he thought it was bad news. So he assumed the worst.

Wait. He knew that guy. And he knew those robes. That was Tobi, of the Akatsuki!

Tobi was looking for him! But how'd he know him? I mean, he was part of an anime! Animes arn't real..right?

Suddenly a man with white hair appeared on the path. He dressed like a ninja. One of his eyes were covered with his headband, which looked alot like a leaf. He wore a mask which covered his nose and mouth. He lazily trumped along the road. When he spotted Brandon, he stopped. He starred blankly at Brandon.

"Hey there!" He called out. "Where are you headed to?"

Brandon sighed. Darn, that man noticed him. Best to ask him directions to the nearest town.

Brandon approached the man. "Hello. Would you happen to know directions to the nearest town?" He asked polietly.

The man smiled through his mask. "Actually, I was headed there now. Konoha is down this way. Would you like to tag along? I could make sure you got there safely." He said kindly.

Brandon grinned. "Okay."

So the pair walked down the dirt road.

"You're not from here, are you?" The man said, looking at Brandon.

Brandon In NaurtoWhere stories live. Discover now