Ch.23-Assault On Earth

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Brandon shook with fear. He felt somebody poking him with something. Is this what death felt like? People poking you with stuff?

"All vital signs are normal. Ms. Stone, your boy is going to be just fine." Brandon heard. that wasn't something hell would sound like. Brandon opened his eyes, and to his surprise, was in a hospital room. A doctor was to his right, and his mom was to his left.

"Brandon, honey...are you okay?" His mom asked.

Brandon sat up and hugged his mom. "Mom...what happened?"

Rachel ushered the doctor to leave. So he did.

"Brandon...I'm so sorry for you to warped into what happened to me. After Tobi knocked you out, I collided with him in battle, and the portal home appeared. So I grabbed you, and we came here."

"So...are we back home?"

"Yeah...we're back in the real world, Brandon."

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. Wait! Mom...what were you doing in the ninja world?"

Rachel took a deep breath. "I was under the guidance of Jiraya's descendant from the future, he wanted me to investigate a possible break-in through the Naruto dimension. I went in the ninja world and was lost for the longest time. I think I slowed way down on my aging while I was there."

"How did you meet Jiraya's descendant?"

"He's our neighbour, I helped him with odd jobs around his house and found his workings on this portal, and when I divorced your father, I was going to take you with me, but I was too late."

Tears came from Brandon's face.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get you, Brandon...I know you endured so much...for so many don't have to be afraid anymore. We'll get you out of that place, for good. You'll live with me from now on."

Brandon sat up. "Oh, crap."

Rachel looked at him. "What?"

"Sandra!!!! I forgot her!!!"


Naruto made it to the temple where the five Kage's were meeting. Samurais were lying on the ground, battered, bruised, and hurt. It looked like a monster had torn through the place.

Kakashi and Sakura appeared behind Naruto. Sakura covered his mouth.

A samurai grabbed Naruto's leg. "Please...that gone..."

Kakashi was shocked. "What? Who was taken?!"

"That girl...Sandra...Tobi took her and fled...she's in grave danger...please...find her..."

Naruto gulped. "This is bad..."

Kakashi sighed. "Come to think of it, I haven't heard any contact from Brandon in a long while...what happened to him?"

Naruto's eyes widened. "He went to face Sasuke...and...KAKASHI! We gotta find Brandon!"

Sakura had a confused look on her face.

"This might be a shock...but about what Lady Tsunade told me...I think I know what's happened to Brandon...and what'll happen next!"


There was a knock on the door. Dan grumpily staggered up and went towards it.

"Blasted neighbours. What the hell do they want?" Dan complained.

He opened the door, ready to yell at whoever it was, until he saw with his own two eyes, Brandon and Rachel.

"What you?" Dan couldn't believe his eyes. A bottle of beer he had in his hands crashed to the ground.

"Yes, Dan. It IS me. And you've got a lot of explaining to do." Rachel snapped. "For starters, what you've done to my boy."

"Who do you think you is, saying he's your boy? He's just as much my son as he is yours!"

Brandon glared. It was his turn to speak. His turn to stand up. "Maybe biologically, you're my father, but not in my eyes. You're nothing but a drunk. You're no father of mine."

As soon as Brandon finished, a police car pulled up to the house, and three police officers came out.

"Dan." Brandon said sternly. "I'm going to say this once. You beat me for god knows how long. Made my mom leave. You practically tortured me. But no more. You're done with all that."

The police officer with the highest rank slapped cuffs on Dan. "Mr. Stone, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law. You're being charged with the abuse and mistreatment of Brandon Stone."

Dan still couldn't believe his eyes, or his ears. "I...I..."

Brandon and Rachel watched as the police car took Dan away. Away for good.

Brandon clutched his Mom. "Mom...thank you..."

Rachel hugged her son. "My little're safe, now. Nobody will ever make you go through the pain like you endured ever happen again."

The two walked into the house. Brandon felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. He entered the house without the fear of being scared, or worrying about his life. He entered the house with a warm, calm, feeling.

And that's what it would be from now on.

Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning struck the pavement outside the house. Brandon looked to see what happened. His eyes grew wide.

A portal had appeared, and Tobi had emerged from it. He had Sandra in one hand, and a Kunai knife in the other. Sasuke, and some other man came forward as well.

"Brandon!!! You come out here right now...and we can talk, or you can watch me kill your precious friend, Sandra!"

Rachel watched this horrific scene. "He's"

Brandon rolled up his sleeves, and walked out the door. "TOBI!!! UNHAND MY FRIEND!!!"

Tension grew in the air. This fight, this war, would be the last Brandon would face. He was sure of it.

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