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Brandon didn't feel right the next day. He thought he would at least see Sakura at the festival. But he didn't. They all left him. And Brandon hated it.

Brandon sat by a tree for most of the day. He did nothing. He never trained. Just thought. Thought a lot.

"Am I really a ninja?" Brandon said. "Hell, I got my ass kicked by Kisame. He isn't THAT tough! Like seriously, what's going on?"

Brandon grumbled. He stared at another tree. "Dumb village. Why do they toy with me? I probably could start a ninja war and be a serious threat. Bah!" He said.

" that so?" A voice said.

Brandon got up quickly. He summoned a fireball in his hand. "Who's there?" He yelled.

"Why, you don't see me? How is your vision, Brandon?" The voice said again. It whispered in the forest. Brandon heard a thunk behind him.

Brandon turned around. He was staring at Tobi. Dead in the face, right in front of him, Tobi. Tobi laughed.

"I don't think you could start a ninja war right now! Ha ha ha!" Tobi giggled.

Brandon tensed up. "You! What are you doing here?"

Tobi jumped around. "I've been looking for you for ages! I never knew where you were, but I found you! Deidera! I found him!" He yelled.

Brandon jumped out of the way. Bombs exploded the ground where he just was standing. Brandon saw Deidera next to Tobi. Deidera's blond hair, his Akatsuki robes, and his clay spider in his hand.

"Well, well, well, hmm? I guess my dumb friend isn't as stupid as he looks. There really is a Brandon." Deidera said.

Brandon growled. "Cut the tricks, Deidera, what do you want?"

Deidera laughed. "Why, to talk! Merely just talking." He said. "We have been keeping an eye on you since we found you. And you have a tailed-beast, that's a bonus. We would like to know if you would be interested in joining the Akastuki, hmm?" Deidera said.

Brandon froze.

"With it, comes your rise to power. We'll wipe out everything in our way! Crush anyone who stands before us! And best of all...we'll appreciate you for it. So what do you say?" Tobi said.

Brandon lowered his guard. "I don't fight for destruction. I fight to defend. I'd get much more thanks from defending than destroying."

"Ha, well that's true." Deidera said. "But have you ever dreamed of your own village? A village in which you control? Make the village the face of you!"

Brandon was losing. He thought about joining the Akatsuki. Then he growled.

"Forget it, you sons of bitches! I'll become a ninja! And I'll protect my village! My friends! My family! I'll never join you! You'll have to kill me first!" Brandon yelled.

Deidera smiled. "Maybe I'll do just that." His spider crawled toward Brandon.

Brandon launched a small fireball in order to explode the spider. It did.

This was bad. Tobi would be okay...but Deidera was different. He was backed into a corner.

Brandon thought of something. The Ten-Tails! He could use it's power to wipe out Deidera.

Brandon concentrated. Soon he was glowing with a dark purplish aura. His eyes became yellow. Brandon screamed as he was consumed by the beast.

Deidera was interested. "So this is what you were telling me about, hmm? Very good...a new tailed beast..."

Brandon In NaurtoWhere stories live. Discover now