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Oh goddess, tour is here. And I am more than excited. For the music, yes, but mainly to see Lauren. After talking to our bandmates that night, we talked and then she and the girls had to go. And I haven't seen her since. It's been weeks. WEEKS! I'm going insane. Thomas and Chica had to hold me in a cage to keep from leaving one night. Alpha's are crazy, blood moons born are crazy, blood moon born alphas are even crazier. Especially when it comes to their mate.

I just need to see her, she's the love of my life, future mother of my children. I craved her every second of the day! Her voice lingers in my memories. My heart pounding from the thought of seeing her and hearing it once more.

"Y/N, let's go," Rita's voice slaps me out of my thoughts.

Within a split second, I'm standing in front of the car waiting for them to come, "Hurry up, you slow asses! We ain't got all day! Tour life doesn't wait for anyone!"

They make their way out laughing at me. Probably at my eagerness to see Lo. But can you blame me? When we finally reach the bus I quickly put my stuff on a bunk to claim it as my own. And I'm off to find mi querida! Sadly I'm stopped before I can go anywhere and continue to be informed on the fact that we are already late and the bus is heading to the first venue.

Well, that's unfair... bitches. Don't they know it's unhealthy to keep a wolf away from their mate. Idiots. I just let out a dissatisfied groan and sit on the couch and Talia joins me, "You ok?"

A defeated sigh leaves my lips, "No. I just need to see her, hold her. It's been weeks, Talia. And my body is going crazy without her."

"I know, but the first venue is like 35-40 minutes away. It shouldn't take long," she adds sit with a smile.

"Thanks, Lia."

"Anytime, Y/L/N."

We all try to keep calm as the topic of tour is talked about. We're living our dreams. We are doing it. I can't believe we are actually doing it. It's so surreal, honestly. Who would've thought a bunch of kids could one day gain success and go on tour. Incredible.

The bus suddenly comes to a stop and I'm brought back to what's going on outside the bus. We're here! Now we just need to get our rooms, that way we can rest for the show tomorrow! I grab my bag and start to head into the hotel with the others trying to keep up with my fast pace. Finally, after waiting, we get our keys and head to our rooms. Immediately, I set my stuff down and turn out of the room without a word, fully aware that they knew where I was going.

I followed my nose and ears. I stopped in front of a door and heard a voice, "Do you smell that, Dinah?! She's close."

"Lo, she's probably settling into her room. Give her a bit."

Without wasting another second, I knock on the door eagerly. It only takes a second, but as soon as Dinah  starts to open the door, I brush passed her quickly and tackle Lauren on one of the beds then proceed to nuzzle myself into her. I feel her squeeze me and sigh, "Thank goodness. I was going crazy."

"Me too. I just needed you."

"Ew. Y'all are cute, but I'm leaving," Dinah leaves and Lauren and I just laugh at her.

"You're beautiful."

I smile and hide myself more in her neck, "Gracias, mi querida."

A satisfying hum escapes her and she holds my larger body closer. I may be three inches taller, but she enjoys being the big spoon a lot. And I love it. We just lay there. Occasionally talking about random things, but eventually we fall asleep.

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