A Visit

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A knock on the door woke me instantly. Who could be here at this hour? Lauren is still fast asleep, curled in the cutest way. I untangle the two of us and head for the door. There's a smell in the air, familiar, but not a good smell, that stops me in my tracks. 

"Y/N, I know you're there. Let me in," a masculine voice says through the door.

Lauren is suddenly next to me, wrapped in a blanket, "It's Chris."

I turn to Laur and wrap the blanket to hide the baby bump. She nods, understanding and silently agreeing with the plan to hide out future child. Slowly, I make my way to the door and open it, allowing Chris to walk in. He steps inside before I close it again.

"Thank you, Y/-"

I glare at him with blazing platinum eyes, "You try anything and I won't hesitate. Were you not family, I would've never let you in."

"Chris, what are you doing here?"

"Gee, Lauren,good to see you too."

"And I would be happy to see you, if it weren't for the fact that you were working with Isandro."

"Lauren, it's not too late for you to join with me."

I let out a growl and he looks at me, irritated, "Don't flash those alpha eyes at me. You only have those because of my sister. Lauren, get your luna under control."

"She doesn't need to control me, Chris. I'm quite the threat on my own as well."

"Both of you, stop. Let's go to the living room."

I step back and walk to Lo as the three of us walk to the living room. Once the three of us sit down, Lauren cuts to the chase and demands to know why her brother is here.

"Isandro seems to take a liking to both of you, wanted me to bring you both back."

I laugh, "That won't work."

"Either that, or I'm supposed to kill you."

This time, it was Lauren who let out a growl, "How do you expect to take on an alpha and her mate?"

"You're weaker than the last time I saw you Lauren. And I doubt your mate could do much."

A split second later, a knife has set course for Lauren. I see it and jump in front of her. It impales me and I land on the floor. Chris must be faster, whereas Lauren has strength.

"I was hoping you'd do that, Y/n."

He leaps toward Lauren, but she sees it coming and is out of reach before he can grab her. His fist only gripping a blanket. I hear him let out a frustrated growl, then he disappears. I tear out the knife and let out a groan as I stand up. He picked the wrong family to mess with. My weakened wolf allows the feline inside to step in for some control. My night vision and speed are heightened. I hear fighting and within an instant, I'm in the same room as the two siblings. Neither realizing I'm there.

"You're with child... since when? Isandro has to kno-"

I use the butt of the knife to knock him out and catch him before he falls, gently set him on the floor. I reach in the drawer of the stand next to me, wrapping his wrists and feet. Tossing the knife, I'm instantly by my mate, "Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Is the little one ok? Is-"

"Babe," she stops my rambling, "I'm ok. The baby is ok. We're all ok."

"Thank the gods," I kiss her.

When we pull away she looks towards her unconscious brother, "What do we do with him?"

"I'll bring him to the cells. They'll hold him for the night or however long we need. I think Camila, Rita, Seth, and Ally are watching the cells tonight. So, we'll have strong people keeping an eye on him."

"I'll be here when you get back."

I shake my head, "There are cats around the pack territory. If they see you alone, they might attack. Please come with."

We bring Chris to the cells and explain what happened. Once we get him situated, we head home. Straight to bed and hold eachother. After saying goodnight to the two most important people in my life, I drift off. Thinking about tonight's events. How Isandro is after my family, willing to bring the fight to me. Well, I'll have to bring the fight to him.

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