The End

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Chris let's out growl when our eyes lock, "What kind of demon are you? Only such a creature would bare those eyes."

"For someone who was suppose to be beta, you sure don't know enough about the stories and legends of the old ones. Did you, Chris?"

"She's blood moon born. The only thing that's stronger than a full moon born," Isandro steps forward and many more werecats step out from the shaded area of the woods.

I get into a defensive position, "I see you brought some friends."

"I figured this was something the whole pack would like to see."

Just as I started to realize how outnumbered I was, I feel members of my pack rush to my side. I turn to my left and see Dinah, Camila, Seth, and Chica. To my right I see Talia, Ally, and Rita. Then glance behind me and see pack members ready for the fight. Everyone in battle ready gear.

Dinah nudges me, "I saw Thomas take Normani to your dad and Lauren. They're all gonna hide and keep her safe. We focus on here and now, ok."

I nod, then look to Isandro, "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to fight. It doesn't have to be this way!"

"It does! Because you are the very thing I've been trying to create all these years. And not even using the blood I've collected from your past wounds have done me good. And if I can't have you on my side. Then you simply can't be. As for your mate, she'll soon suffer the same fate."

"You're gonna regret coming after us. I'll make sure of it."

"Enough talk," Chris says and he nods at Isandro. All of them charge towards us.

"Remember, kill none who surrender. Stay alive. Stick together," I yell to everyone and we meet their charge with our own.

Chris meets me right away and tries to use his blade to cut me multiple times, but I eventually knock it out and get him in a hold, "How'd you get out anyways?"

He throws me over his shoulder, "Got close enough to become a threat to Mani. You and my parents were talking for hours, which allowed me to take my time and plan carefully. With you distracted and not coming by."

I push myself up and deck him in the jaw. His balance teeters slightly but he is back in it instantly. Both of us exchanging blows. An energy surge blows through me just as I sent a blow for his side. Which intensifies the blow and I hear his ribs crack. His eyes meet mine and he stops fighting and is about to fall, but I catch him. I hold him so he's laying in my arms. His arm cradles the injured side and wheezes leave his lungs. He looks at me, "I was doing what I thought was right. You ca-"

He's cut off by a bad cough and some blood comes up with it. He struggles to catch air again, but finds a steady rhythm. I push the hair out of his face as I hear a snarl. I look up to see a large lioness like feline lock eyes with me and start to charge me, but is suddenly cut off by a familiar large reddish brown wolf tackling her. Remind me to thank her later. I look down to Chris, "I know that most of what you were told by him were lies. I don't hold you to them."

"Y/n, I don't want to die."

I nod, "I know. And I'm not going to let you."

I quickly pick him up and within second, I'm in the pack doctor's room. I set him on a bed as Sheila, the main pack doctor, walks in followed by the other doctors. My eyes meet hers, "He can't die. His ribs are shattered here and the pieces have impaled his lungs and goddess knows what else."

I start to head back, but once I step into the sunset lit grounds, I get struck halfway back as the energy through the air hits me again and I suddenly hear Lauren's voice, "Embrace the extra strength. Allow it to help you where I can't right now. I love you."

I love you too, Lo.

And so, I do. I let out groan as I feel it all overwhelm me, but I let it. I feel my body shift in a way it hasn't before. I hear tearing of fabric and finally the flow of energy feels normal. I look at myself. dark black fur with dark grey stripes covers my arms and I feel it cover from my shoulder blades and down my back. Claws have appeared, and I look to see tears all over my clothes. I turn to a nearby window to see wolf ears on top of my head and my human ones have vanished. My top canines are long enough, they stick out of my lips by at least a three centimeters. My eyes, a vibrant platinum purple with feline pupils. And wrapped around the front of my legs, is a black and grey tail. All these changes, along with mere size and muscle mass. I send a quick thank you to Sol and Luna, then I'm back to the battle ground.

I see Ally in her human form fighting a shifted werecat, but two are sneaking behind her. I instantly have them pinned. They struggle until they're eyes met mine. I let out a snarl and they shift back to normal. They don't do anything as I let them go and walk away. I heard a snarl to my right and I turn to him and our eyes lock. I take a step toward him and he stops snarling and lowers his head as he shifts back. He can't be older than 15. Isandro have kids fighting for him. They're easier for him to manipulate. He probably turned most of them.

A roar breaks through the air and the werecats start to run towards the woods. They're retreating. I tell everyone to stay and take care of the wounded and take off towards them through the woods. I come to an opening with a large boulder and I'm stopped and pinned against said boulder. Pain shoots through my upper right chest, then the same pain shoots through the left side of my chest as I watch Isandro drive a rod through me and I yell out in pain. I look to see two metal rods have impaled me and now I'm hanging from a boulder, bleeding out.

"NO, Y/N!"

I look up to see Lauren trying to get to me, but her parents grab her and keep her where she is. How'd she even get here?

"Lauren, run," I try to yell, but the words barely come out.

Isandro laughs, "I told you I'd get you both."

He starts towards my mate, but a figure walks out of the dark, "You will not touch her, brother."


"Alvaro. You look well after all these years."

"As do you. Let them go, Isandro."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because, I'm assuming by the smell coming off those rods and the burns on your hands, those rods are not only wolfsbane infused, but also are made out of enchanted metal. Meaning no one here would be able to take them out. And with the ends bent in, we can't pull her off. So, you've already taken an alpha and mate. You don't need the other."

"Oh you should know my greedy persona better than t...."

My hearing starts to fade and the world starts to blur in and out. Is this really it? I manage to barely see Lauren being taken away by her parents. I can see her fighting and crying, but her mother tells her something and she just breaks down. She looks back at me one last time and we lock eyes causing them to stop, I never wanted to say goodbye.

I feel tears well in my eyes at her words, I know. I'm sorry, princesa.

I don't want you sorry. None of this is your fault. I just want you. We have our family we were getting ready for. I can't do this without you. And I don't want to.

You can, Laur. You're gonna be the best mom. I'm sure between Tay and your parents and our bandmates, you'll have tons of help. They'll grow up to be big and strong just like you.

I feel my hold on consciousness start to fade.

I can stay. Stay strong for me, beautiful. I love you, Lauren Jauregui.

I watch as she shakes with a sob, I love you, Y/n Y/l/n.

With that I see her disappear into darkness. And then watch as my father walks away with my uncle. I don't know what happened, but I feel it was part of the deal to let Lauren go. My vision passes in and out and I start to lose consciousness. After coming in and out for some time, the final thing I see blood moon at its peak. Which tells me, I've been here for at least a few hours going in and out. But what a beautiful last sight. My eyes close and my head falls as I lose my consciousness for the last time, knowing I did everything I could and gave all I could to my mate. The woman who emanated love and beauty and moonlight. Everything to my moon.


Note-This was the end, but there will be a sequel.

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