The News

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How do I do this? Oh boy, how are they going to react? What if they kill me?! No, they would've done that already if they had wanted to. Fucking hell, I need to calm down. A hand smacking me brings me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Taylor, Lauren's sister.

"Y/n, calm the fuck down. I'm sure whatever you have to tell my family, we won't kill you."

I laugh nervously, "Ok. Should we get going?"

"Y/n... we have to wait for Lauren, dumb ass!"

"Taylor, watch your language," I hear Lauren say.

I turn and look at her, "She gets it from you."

She gives me a look, Don't push it, babe. I've got crazy pregnant lady hormones. I'll kill you.

No you won't.

She straightens my collar and gives me a piercing look, You wanna bet?

I clear my throat, "Ok! Let's go!"

Taylor just laughs at my panicked state as we walk out. Her and I have been getting closer, especially this passed month. We rarely talked before, only a couple conversations here and there. But with everything going on, and her being my mate's sister, I figured we should get to know each other. Tonight we tell her family that she's pregnant. The fact that werewolf babies grow faster and are born at 7 months, and her being 3 months along, it's going to be hard to hide.  She's already starting to show. I remember noticing the small bump for the first time.

"Y/n! Can you come here quick."

I ran to the other room and was met with a wet, naked Lauren wrapped in a towel. My gaze on her freezes my whole being. How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful mate. She clears her throat and brings me out of my daze.

"Sorry, what did you need Lolo?"

"Can you help me find a pair of  pants? I can't remember where I put them when I finished laundry."

"I hung them up. You just want a pair of jeans?"

"Black please!"

I walk into the closet and grab a pair of pants then walk back out to her. She's in a shirt and underwear, "Thanks babe," she kisses my cheek and goes to put the pants on. She was in a rush to meet with the girls for recording. We may be in the middle of something bad, but they take time to record every now and again.

"Fuck! These pants must've shrunk! They won't button."

I just nod and bring her another pair.

"God damn it! These won't button either."

I walk up to her, "Maybe you shrunk a bunch of them. Hold on babe, I'll get another pair."

I kiss her cheek and run to get another pair. This time I can't help but just admire her. Then as she goes to button them again, they just barely don't make it.


She pulls up her shirt to see better and something instantly catches my eye. She tries harder to button them, but I gently grab her hands, "Hold on Laur."

I pull her pants down, "Y/n, this isn't helping."

I just shake my head and turn her so her reflection in the mirror is sideways. Reaching for the bottom of her shirt, I pull it up and expose her stomach. There it is... a bump. How I didn't realize it before, I'll never know.

"Lauren.. look."

Her eyes look to where I place my hands and her expression softens instantly. She places her hands on he little bump, "Oh hello there. You certainly got bigger than I thought you would. But that's a good thing. It means you'll be strong," her eyes met mine in the mirror, "We're having a baby."

I smile at her, "Yeah, we're having a baby, beautiful," I place a kiss on her cheek, "I'll grab you some sweats."

A smile at the memory and feel Lauren squeeze my hand, that's one of my favorites. I nod in agreement.

"Ok, we're here, lovebirds!"

She opens the door and lets us in. Lauren goes in first and I close the door behind us. Deep breaths. Instantly I'm hit with the smell of food and it's amazing. I turn to Laur and see her smiling at me, "Mom never fails to impress. But now I'm even more hungry."

We both just laugh and I reach for her hand as we walk into the kitchen. Momma J is cooking, Papa J is tryin to help, whilst Tay is sitting at the counter on her phone. No one has really heard from Chris. He sided with Isandro. We don't talk about it much. But when we do, it just tears Lauren apart.

"Y/n! Lauren! Welcome back," Mike gives us both a tight hug.

Lauren chuckles at him, "Papa, careful. Don't want to squeeze us to death."

He pulls away and ruffles her hair a big, "Not possible."

"Hey, you two, we've got a bottle of champagne that's just waiting to be opened. You want some."

We just smile as we lean on the counter and glance at each other, then to Clara. I clear my throat, "Um, I'll take some, but I don't think Lo will."

They just mutter an ok as Mike grabs the bottle. Once he pours the glasses for everyone, Lauren and Taylor having their water, he raises his glass, "What shall we toast to tonight? Our pack, our family, our friends, ou-"

Lauren winks at me and raises her glass, "How about to you, mom and dad?"

"Why for, sweetheart," Clara asks.

I raise my glass, "I agree with Lauren. To the future abuelos!"

Lauren and I clink cups then take a drink. Once we look back at everyone, they just seem frozen.

"Lauren, I think we broke them."


We just burst out laughing and tell her yes. Then mama and papa J finally snap out of in and Lauren and I are wrapped in their arms instantly.

Clara let's go and looks at Lauren, "How far along are you mija?"

"A little over three months," she smiles at them, Taylor now joining us.

"Are you showing yet," Taylor asks.

Lauren just nods and pulls up her sweatshirt, wearing a tight tank top underneath, the baby bump is revealed. The girls are hold Lo's bump and talking to the life inside. Mike comes up to me, "Congratulations, Y/n. You're going to be a mother."

I don't say anything, just wrap my arms around him for a hug. This is my family, and I couldn't be more happy.

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