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She sits up and gives me a worried look, "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"There was this woman, her name was Annabelle. She was young and wild. She was always the life of the party. Always could make you smile. Being the daughter of an alpha, she also knew when to tame her energy. Not much older than us, she found her mate. And the fell fast for each other. Unfortunately, they had to keep it a secret. The sun god and moon goddess must've struck a deal with one another, because he was a werecat. And the two species aren't meant to be mated, nor are they the most fond of each other. More impossible happened when she became pregnant. Gave birth to a new breed on a blood moon. Fate decided she had used all of her luck, and took her shortly after," I finally paused and looked at Lauren.

She looked, shocked, maybe confused. She shook her head and looked at me, "What happened after she died? Did her child die too?"

"Alvaro, took his child to Annabelle's father and came clean. He promoted Alvaro to alpha and they created a story that the child was a fostered wolf. Found alone in the woods. To be raised by the alpha and beta, Annabelle's brother."

"So, there's really a mixed bred shifter out there?"


She looks confused, and a tad disappointed, "Well, then-"

I cut her off, "There's a mixed bred shifter in here," I took a deep breath, "Alvaro, my father, had always told me to never tell anyone. But it's hard to be dishonest to one's mate."

I wait for her to say something, but no words come out. I see she's still processing the information. I don't blame her. It's a lot to take in. I don't even understand it fully, myself. I just give her a sad smile, "I'll give you some time to think."

I get up and walk to our balcony. The view from here is actually really nice. Not as good as the room, but still nice. Maybe it was too soon to tell her. Maybe I should've been more distant. It's usually easy for me, but with her, it's nearly impossible. Which is scary, yet exciting. I don't know how to react if she wasn't able to accept that I am so different. She could change my life in an instant, if she were to reject me.


I jump at the sound of her voice and turn around. Goddess, she looks enchanting in the moonlight. I just clear my throat, "Are you ok, Lauren?"

She nods and walks closer to me, "Just because you're different, doesn't mean that I want nothing to do with you. It just means that things are different for us. But I refuse to leave your side because of it. You are the most beautiful thing in existence. And I'm so proud and happy to call you mine."

I look down wondering how I deserve her. She lifts my chin to look at her, "I know it's early. But I think I'm slowly falling for you, Y/N. And I don't want to stop."

Everything in this moment is just perfect, almost perfect. I suddenly lean in an kiss her. She's surprised at first, but wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. I hold her waist, now this is perfect. We finally pull away for air, "I'm falling for you too, Lo."

She smiles and hugs me tighter. Once we pull away, I grab her hand and lead her to our bed, "Come on. We gotta get to bed, or we will regret it tomorrow."

We lay down, her head on my chest. We say our goodnights and go to sleep, but not before sharing one last kiss.

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